我必须从将信号连续发送到 USB 端口并将其显示在监视器上的设备中读取数据(信号)。
作为 POC,我尝试从连接到我的系统的 USB 闪存驱动器中读取数据。我正在为 Windows 使用 JUSB 库。但是,当我更改我的设备驱动程序设置时,如下面的 JUSB 文档中所述,我的设备配置消失了(我的 device.getConfiguration(); 为空)。
http://www.steelbrothers.ch/jusb/ -- 文件 --> 附录 D
谁能帮我弄清楚我哪里出错了,或者建议我一些其他好的 API 来使用 JAVA 从 USB 设备读取数据。
Device device = null;
DeviceImpl dev;
for(int k=0; k < busses.length ; k++){
System.out.println("\n\nBus[ " + ((USB)busses[k]).getBusNum() + " ] ");
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
dev = (DeviceImpl)busses[k].getDevice(i);
device = busses[k].getDevice(i);
System.out.print(" [ " + i + " ] : ");
if(dev != null){
if(dev.getAddress() == 0) System.out.println(" [ROOT] numOfPort:" + dev.getNumPorts()+" Address:" + dev.getAddress());
else {
if(dev.getNumPorts() > 0) System.out.println(" [EXTERNAL HUB] numOfPort:" + dev.getNumPorts()+" Address:" + dev.getAddress());
else System.out.println(" [USB DEVICE] on Port "+dev.getHubPortNum() + " Address : " + dev.getAddress());
System.out.println(" uniqueID : " + dev.getUniqueDeviceID());
System.out.println(" driverKeyName : " + dev.getDriverKeyName());
System.out.println(" friendlyDeviceName: " + dev.getFriendlyDeviceName());
if (dev instanceof Device) System.out.print(" Object Type : Device");
if (dev instanceof DeviceImpl) System.out.print(", DeviceImpl");
if (dev instanceof JUSB) System.out.println(", JUSB");
if (dev instanceof NonJUSB) System.out.println(", NonJUSB");
System.out.println("***************confoig: "+dev.configuration);//getConfiguration(0));
boolean brk = false;
StringTokenizer uniqueNameValPairs = new StringTokenizer(dev.getUniqueDeviceID(),"&");
StringTokenizer strToken = new StringTokenizer(uniqueNameValPairs.nextToken(),"_");
brk = true;
static void readData(DeviceImpl device){
if (device != null)
// Obtain the current Configuration of the device and the number of
// Interfaces available under the current Configuration.
Configuration config = device.getConfiguration();
if(null == config)
config = device.configuration;
System.out.println("config: "+config);
int total_interface = config.getNumInterfaces();
// Traverse through the Interfaces
for (int k=0; k<total_interface; k++)
// Access the currently Interface and obtain the number of
// endpoints available on the Interface.
Interface itf = config.getInterface(k, 0);
int total_ep = itf.getNumEndpoints();
// Traverse through all the endpoints.
for (int l=0; l<total_ep; l++)
// Access the endpoint, and obtain its I/O type.
Endpoint ep = itf.getEndpoint(l);
String io_type = ep.getType();
boolean input = ep.isInput();
System.out.println("ep.getInputStream(): "+ep.getInputStream());
// If the endpoint is an input endpoint, obtain its
// InputStream and read in data.
if (input)
InputStream in;
System.out.println("ep.getInputStream()111: "+ep.getInputStream());
BufferedReader brIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(ep.getInputStream()));
System.out.println("**************Input stream: "+brIn);
String inStr = null;
while( (inStr = brIn.readLine()) != null){
// Read in data here
// in.close();
// If the Endpoint is and output Endpoint, obtain its
// OutputStream and write out data.
OutputStream out;
out = ep.getOutputStream();
System.out.println("**************Output stream: "+out);
// Write out data here.
}catch(Exception e){