im using a script called masonry to load posts at mine website dynamicaly when scrolling. This works fine. Now I want to open links which are in this post in shadowbox (lightbox like)
The problem is that links from posts which are normaly at site are opening in this shadowbox but those from loaded posts are not. Well some time ago I had the same issue with facebook like buttons and I made it working with this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
Now I was looking how to solve this problem with shadowbox and only thing that I've found is this code:
$('.klasa').live('click', function () {;
return true;
Which Im supposed to use at the end of the oryginal shadowbox JS code. I did it and it make something, when I click at the loaded links the screen become darker like it should with lightboxes but that's all, it doesnt load the content etc.
Can anyone try to help me? :)