I have a blog (Blogger). I want to make a contact form. I made it using google forms. However the theme is not matching with my blog. Also I cannot customize that form. so what i thought is to build my own form. So when a user fills and submits the form i shall fill the google form (that has got a url) with the same and submit.

So my question is: Is it possible to access, fill and submit one form through its URL from another form using javascript or jquery. I know that we can fill a form or access elements of a form using javascript and also submit it FROM THE SAME FORM. But here the requirement is like Form A will be filled and submitted that will trigger a javascript function which using the URL, of say Form B, fill that form and hit the submit button of that form.

Kindly provide the solution. Thanks and Regards. Daniel


1 回答 1


这是不可能的。相反,您可以复制此表单并查看它提交到的位置等。另一种选择是获取表单 html 并使用自定义样式将其添加到您的页面中。

于 2012-06-24T22:32:17.687 回答