如何实现单实例 Java 应用程序?
有没有办法只运行一个 Java 应用程序实例,所以我只有一个进程?. 有可能在java中做到吗?
A simple way to have one instance is to use a service port.
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(MY_PORT);
The benefit of using this approach instead of a locking a file is that you communicate to the instance already running and even check it is working. e.g. if you can't start the server socket use a plain Socket to send it a message like "open a file for me"
You could open a socket on startup. If the socket is in use, there is probably already an instance of the app running. A lock file would work, but if your app crashes without deleting the lock file, you'll have to manually delete the file before you can start the app again.
Following are the ways to do it:
public class MyClass{
private static MyClass unique_instance;
private MyClass(){
// Initialize the state of the object here
public static synchronized MyClass getInstance(){
if (unique_instance == null){
unique_instance = new MyClass();
return unique_instance;
2. 声明时私有构造函数和初始化静态实例
public class MyClass{
private static MyClass unique_instance = new MyClass() ;
private MyClass(){
// Initialize the state of the object here
public static MyClass getInstance(){
return unique_instance;
public class MyClass{
private static MyClass unique_instance;
private MyClass(){
// Initialize the state of the object here
public static MyClass getInstance(){
if (unique_instance == null)
if (unique_instance == null){
unique_instance = new MyClass();
return unique_instance;
You can also implement a class with