我正在尝试将 Lua 类对象推入堆栈。指向该对象的指针可以由多个函数返回。
换句话说:我需要推送用户数据值,同时仍然能够在它们上使用“==”、“~=”等,因此如果用户数据指针是相同的 C++ 对象,则它必须相同。
-- this should push the object onto the stack
local firstObject = GetClassObject();
firstObject 将由 lua 脚本存储,稍后在代码中我将需要再次执行此操作:
-- the c++ class pointer has not changed here
-- so I would like to push the same userdata pointer as in the first call...
local object = GetClassObject();
-- if I would not do this the following here would fail... :C
if object == firstObject then
我的 Push 函数基本上应该检查某处是否已经存在相同的 C++ 类指针,如果是,则推送相关的 userdata 指针(无论我如何推送它,对象应该以 1:1 的方式工作)
template <typename T>
void Push( const T &tObject )
lua_State *L = GetLuaState();
// Here i need to check if such a C++ object (the same tObject)
// already exists!
// If so i want to push the associated userdata.
// Object didn't exist yet -> we need a new userdata
void *pUserData = lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( tObject ) );
*reinterpret_cast<T*>( pUserData ) = tObject;
template <typename T>
void Push( const T &tObject, const char *pszTable )
Push( tObject );
lua_State *L = GetLuaState();
luaL_getmetatable( L, pszTable );
lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
template <typename T>
T& Get( int nIndex )
T *pUserData = reinterpret_cast<T*>( lua_touserdata( GetLuaState(), nIndex ) );
if( pUserData == nullptr )
throw std::exception( "Invalid userdata!" );
return *pUserData;
template <typename T>
T& Get( int nIndex, const char *pszTable )
T *pUserData = reinterpret_cast<T*>( LuaToUData( nIndex, pszTable ) );
if( pUserData == nullptr )
throw std::exception( "Invalid userdata!" );
return *pUserData;
LuaToUData 是一个自己的函数,我写它不会引发 lua 错误:
void* LuaToUData( int nIndex, const char *pszTable )
void *pUserData = lua_touserdata( g_luaState, nIndex );
if( pUserData != nullptr )
if( lua_getmetatable( g_luaState, nIndex ) != 0 )
lua_getfield( g_luaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, pszTable );
bool bEqual = ( lua_rawequal( g_luaState, -1, -2 ) == 1 );
lua_pop( g_luaState, 2 );
if( bEqual )
return pUserData;
return nullptr;