我正在尝试将我当前的 Apache/Modperl 站点转移到 Starman,并且需要使用针对不同文件扩展名的不同处理程序构建 app.psgi。类似于 Apache 中的东西:

<LocationMatch "(\.m|\.mh|\/)$">
     SetHandler              perl-script
     PerlHandler             MyApp::Mhandler

<LocationMatch "(\.p|\.ph)$">
     SetHandler              perl-script
     PerlHandler             MyApp::Phandler


#app for handle .m and .mh
my $Mapp = Some::PSGI->handler( sub {

#app for handling .p and .ph
my $Papp = SomeOther::PSGI->handler( sub {


builder {

    #any extension what is not .m .mh .p .ph - handle as static
    #but, only when the request have any extension
    enable "Plack::Middleware::Static",
      path => __what here__, ???
      root => "/my/doc/root";

    #and what here to achieve the following "rules".

    #??? $Papp
    #default $Mapp


  • 如果请求没有任何扩展名,或者请求以 '/' 结尾
    • 应该处理$Mapp
  • 如果请求以某些扩展名结束,则
    • .m.mh应由$Mapp
    • .p.ph应由$Papp
    • 所有其他带有扩展名的文件(如 .css .js .pdf .jpg ...)都应作为静态文件处理。

当然,将每个静态文件放到某个树中会容易得多,但是给出了当前的应用程序现在我只想将它移动到 Startman,重构 - 稍后。


1 回答 1

use strictures;
use Plack::Request qw();
use Plack::Builder qw(builder enable);
use Tie::REHash do_cache => 1;

tie my %location_match, 'Tie::REHash';
%location_match = (
    qr'(\.m|\.mh|/|/[^.]+)$' => sub {[200,[],['Mhandler']]},
    qr'(\.p|\.ph)$'          => sub {[200,[],['Phandler']]},

my $app = sub {
    my ($env) = @_;
    my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
    my $res;
    if ($location_match{$req->path_info}) {
        printf "path [%s] dispatches to %s\n", $req->path_info, $location_match{$req->path_info};
        $res = $location_match{$req->path_info};
    } else {
        die sprintf "no match for path [%s], check routing configuration\n", $req->path_info;
    return $res->($env);

builder {
    enable 'Static', path => sub {
        my ($path) = @_;
        if ($location_match{$path}) {
            print "redispatch\n";
        } elsif ($path =~ qr'/ [^/]+ [.] [^/]+ $'x) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            die "no match for path [$path], check routing configuration\n";
    }, root => './htdocs/';

GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo/?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.m?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.mh?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.p?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.ph?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.css?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.js?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.pdf?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
GET 'http://localhost:5000/foo.jpg?bar=baz;quux#fnord'
于 2012-06-24T14:50:56.973 回答