我在尝试了解 Apple 的内存管理标准时遇到了一个奇怪的问题。假设我有一个方法可以返回一个副本而不让用户知道它是一个副本。

+(Point2D*) Add:(Point2D*)a To:(Point2D*)b
        Point2D * newPoint = [a copy];
        [newPoint Add:b]; // Actually perform the arithmetic.
        return [newPoint autorelease];

问题是 Xcode 的 Analyze 函数将其标记为发送了太多 -autorelease 调用的对象。我假设这是因为 -copy 隐含地假设您正在取得所有权,因此 +0 保留计数的可能性很可能。但我不完全确定。

Xcode 的分析信息

+(Point2D*) Add:(Point2D*)a To:(Point2D*)b
        Point2D * newPoint = [a copy]; // <- 1. Method returns an Objective-C object with a +0 retain count.
        [newPoint Add:b];
        return [newPoint autorelease]; // <- 2. Object sent -autorelease method.
                                       // <- 3. Object returned to caller with a +0 retain count.
                                       // <- 4. Object over -autoreleased: object was sent -autorelease but the object has zero (locally visible) retain counts.


根据要求, -copyWithZone: 将按如下方式实现:

-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
        return [[Point2D allocWithZone:zone] initX:x Y:y Z:z];

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于 2012-06-24T06:57:13.303 回答