我是 Prototype 的新手,我无法真正理解此处提供的极简主义文档http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/
它说要动态更新 selected.js,我们应该使用这个片段
Event.fire($("form_field"), "liszt:updated");
// let say I want to make all .chzn-select element replaced by chosen.js
var el = $$(".chzn-select");
// this is the code to make all .chzn-select replaced by chosen.js
document.observe('dom:loaded', function(evt) {
var select, selects, _i, _len, _results;
if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (Prototype.BrowserFeatures['Version'] === 6 || Prototype.BrowserFeatures['Version'] === 7)) { return; }
selects = el; _results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = selects.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
select = selects[_i];
_results.push(new Chosen(select));
// this is what I used to observe the change event of the .chzn-select element
el.invoke('observe', 'change', function() {
// I have successfully updated all the .chzn-select element after the change of some other .chnz-select
// now this is where I get confused, I want to update all the generated chosen.js selector
Event.fire(el, "liszt:updated");
在那个例子中,那个 Event.fire 似乎根本不起作用......那么我在这里做错了什么?在用户选择尺寸选择后,我如何才能更新该 selected.js 版本的颜色选择以更新?