线程“主”java.lang.NullPointerException 中的异常
在 com.noxia.Main.startCombat(Main.java:101)
在 com.noxia.Area1.createArea1Enemy(Area1.java:43)
在 com.noxia.Main.main(Main.java:30)
我知道我需要初始化变量,因为它们为空,但我似乎无法弄清楚我需要把什么放在哪里。我已将代码最小化以仅显示相关部分,因为遗漏了许多其他变量和方法,但这似乎与问题有关。任何帮助将不胜感激 =)
public class Main {
Player p;
Enemy e;
Area1 a1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main main = new Main();
main.a1 = new Area1();
main.p = new Player(100);
//the line directly below this is line 30 where the error occurs
public void startCombat()
//the line directly below this is line 101 where the error occurs
while (p.getCurrentLife() > 0 & a1.e.getLife() > 0)
if (p.getCurrentLife() > 0 & a1.e.getLife() > 0)
public class Player extends Main {
private int currentLife;
public int getCurrentLife()
return currentLife;
public void setCurrentLife(int cl)
currentLife = cl;
public Player(int cl)
currentLife = cl;
public class Enemy extends Main {
private int life;
public int getLife()
return life;
public void setLife(int lf)
life = lf;
public Enemy (inf lf)
life = lf;
public class Area1 extends Main {
public void createArea1Enemy(int enemyCounter)
while (enemyCounter > 0)
String[] enemyList = {"Enemy1", "Enemy2"} //code for Enemy2 left out below
int enemyListLength = enemyList.length;
int randomEnemy = (int) (Math.random() * enemyListLength);
if (enemyList[randomEnemy].equals("Enemy1"))
Enemy enemy1 = new Enemy("Enemy1", 100);
//the line directly below this is line 43 where the error occurs