我需要按钮的实时循环“状态检查”。按钮“class”或“id”名称将根据从 txt 文件中获取的值进行更改。然后将使用 CSS 处理此类/id 名称。此外,这个按钮类或 id 取决于名称应该触发/调用函数只是为了运行特定的 php 文件。
之前:我只使用 PHP 完成了它,但没有实时“状态检查”:< 看起来像这样:
{exec('run1.bat');}?> // In this part it is waiting a button push with specific
<?php // class name and then runs some bat file which runs some
if(isset($_POST['run2'])) // command and writes output to R1.txt
$r1 = "R1.txt"; //This part reads txt file R1.txt ...
$fr1 = fopen($r1, "a+");
$sizer1 = filesize($r1);
$tr1 = fread($fr1, $sizer1);
sscanf($tr1, "SOMERANDOM TEXT(%d)", $nr1); // ...and gets value 1 or none
<form action="" method="post"> //This part is a form
if ($nr1=="1") //Here it check's value from txt and load specific
{ // type of button.
echo '<input type="submit" class="runing1" name="run1" value="">' . "\n";
echo '<input type="submit" class="runing2" name="run2" value="">' . "\n";
现在我认为它的结构是这样的:会有 check.php 类似的东西
$r1 = "R1.txt"; //This part reads txt file R1.txt ...
$fr1 = fopen($r1, "a+");
$sizer1 = filesize($r1);
$tr1 = fread($fr1, $sizer1);
sscanf($tr1, "SOMERANDOM TEXT(%d)", $nr1); // ...and gets value 1 or none
$r2 = "R2.txt"; //This part reads txt file R2.txt ...
$fr2 = fopen($r2, "a+");
$sizer2 = filesize($r2);
$tr2 = fread($fr2, $sizer2);
sscanf($tr2, "SOMERANDOM TEXT(%d)", $nr2); // ...and gets value 1 or none
这个 PHP 文件应该 POST 那些 $nr1 和 $nr2 值在 Ajax 的外部。然后会有 index.php/htm 有几个按钮,它们通过 check.php 运行某种循环并获取按钮的值并在按钮上应用指定的类或 id。像是/否或开/关等。然后根据按钮状态类/ID,它应该运行特定的功能。在“完美”中,如果在 AJAX 的帮助下类或 id 可能是可变的,那就太好了,因为它可以发布到另一个具有类似代码的 run.php 文件......