在永远被困在使用 VB6 之后,我开始学习 Python。为了帮助自己学习一些使用 Tkinter 的 gui,我正在制作一个简单的老虎机。为了给轮子设置动画,我有一个 ~300x2000 的图像,其中包含我打算使用的所有图片显示为条带。现在大约6张照片。我一次只显示部分图像(轮子)以使其旋转。无论如何,我在到达图像末尾的代码部分遇到问题,需要从图像的末尾过渡到开头(轮子向下旋转,所以开头是底部,结尾是顶端)。
出于某种原因,我无法正确裁剪和显示图像,即使我认为我的脚本在逻辑上是有意义的。我的代码发布在下面。您可以制作分辨率为 300x2000 左右的图像,以使用它来查看我遇到的问题。我的代码开始在我希望它显示的区域之外(在 showsize 变量之外)打印,我不知道为什么。
from Tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
def main():
root = Tk()
root.title = ("Slot Machine")
canvas = Canvas(root, width=1500, height=800)
im = Image.open("colors.png")
wheelw = im.size[0] #width of source image
wheelh = im.size[1] #height of source image
showsize = 400 #amount of source image to show at a time - part of 'wheel' you can see
speed = 3 #spin speed of wheel
bx1 = 250 #Box 1 x - where the box will appear on the canvas
by = 250 #box 1 y
numberofspins = 100 #spin a few times through before stopping
cycle_period = 0 #amount of pause between each frame
for spintimes in range(1,numberofspins):
for y in range(wheelh,showsize,-speed): #spin to end of image, from bottom to top
cropped = im.crop((0, y-showsize, wheelw, y)) #crop which part of wheel is seen
tk_im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(cropped)
canvas.create_image(bx1, by, image=tk_im) #display image
canvas.update() # This refreshes the drawing on the canvas.
canvas.after(cycle_period) # This makes execution pause
for y in range (speed,showsize,speed): #add 2nd image to make spin loop
cropped1 = im.crop((0, 0, wheelw, showsize-y)) #img crop 1
cropped2 = im.crop((0, wheelh - y, wheelw, wheelh)) #img crop 2
tk_im1 = tk_im2 = None
tk_im1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(cropped1)
tk_im2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(cropped2)
canvas.create_image(bx1, by, image=tk_im2) ###THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS..
canvas.create_image(bx1, by + y, image=tk_im1) ###PROBLEM
#For some reason these 2 lines are overdrawing where they should be. as y increases, the cropped img size should decrease, but doesn't
canvas.update() # This refreshes the drawing on the canvas
canvas.after(cycle_period) # This makes execution pause
if __name__ == '__main__':