I've noticed an increasing number of jobs that are asking for experience with data mining and business intelligence technologies. This sounds like an incredibly broad topic but where would one go if they wanted to develop at least a partial understanding of this stuff if it were to come up in an interview?


4 回答 4


A very good book with practical examples is the
Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications by Toby Segaran.

于 2009-07-12T13:09:05.930 回答

Go read Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Second Edition). Then use Weka on a pet project. Despite the name, this is a good book, and the Weka package has several levels of entry into the data-m... er machine-learning world.

于 2009-07-12T13:00:37.597 回答

也许您也可以尝试使用真正的 BI - 几乎不可能接触到数据填充和运行的 SAS、MS、Oracle 等。我在一个为企业集成 BI BellaDati 的团队工作。出于试用和个人目的,它是免费的,但有一些数据存储限制 ( http://www.trgiman.eu/en/belladati/product/personal )。

BellaDati 还被用作专注于数据挖掘和分析实际应用的技术大学的学习工具。BellaDati 的最终经理级仪表板示例可在http://mercato.belladati.com/bi/mercato/show/worldexchanges中查看

您可以在这里使用 SQL 数据源、平面文件、Web 服务和游戏。根据我自己的经验——展示市场分析实践的真实样本(如案例研究等)对面试很有好处。


于 2011-04-19T14:21:18.707 回答

考虑阅读Ralph Kimball 的书籍以了解商业智能。此外,尽量不要拘泥于一个技术供应商,每家公司都有自己对 BI 的偏见愿景,你需要一个 360 度概览。

于 2010-01-04T20:23:06.170 回答