I have a Titanium app with a tabGroup that has 4 tabs. I want to disable rotating and lockdown to whatever orientation the device is in when the second tab is active. The device can be free to rotate when any other tab is active. I've tried looking around, but haven't been able to come up with anything other than disabling orientation change completely.

I'd really appreciate any help in this matter!


2 回答 2


complete documentation on managining orientation change on Appcelerator


于 2012-06-22T16:18:59.730 回答

I haven't tried this but every tab contains an activity, so you can fix the orientation of that activity with android:screenOrientation. If what you want is to keep the first orientation your devices has when you press that tab, keep a static variable that you initialized in onCreateMethod. Hope it helps!

于 2012-06-22T15:35:13.647 回答