I have an Image inside a Canvas:

    <Image HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

And I want to display the Image always (even after a possible resizing) in the center of my Canvas, but in this way the image is draw in the Top-Left corner. How can I do?


2 回答 2


The coolest thing of this aproach taht it would work if you change sizes of both image and canvas. Converter code:

internal sealed class CenterConverter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        double canvasWidth = System.Convert.ToDouble(values[0]);
        double canvasHeight = System.Convert.ToDouble(values[1]);
        double controlWidth = System.Convert.ToDouble(values[2]);
        double controlHeight = System.Convert.ToDouble(values[3]);
        switch ((string)parameter)
            case "top":
                return (canvasHeight - controlHeight) / 2;
            case "bottom":
                return (canvasHeight + controlHeight) / 2;
            case "left":
                return (canvasWidth - controlWidth) / 2;
            case "right":
                return (canvasWidth + controlWidth) / 2;
                return 0;

    public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

XAML, somewhere in resources:

    <local:CenterConverter x:Key="CenterConverter" />


<Canvas x:Name="superCoolCanvas">
    <Image x:Name="superCoolImage" >
            <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource CenterConverter}" ConverterParameter="top">
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolCanvas" Path="ActualWidth" />
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolCanvas" Path="ActualHeight" />
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolImage" Path="ActualWidth" />
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolImage" Path="ActualHeight" />
            <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource CenterConverter}" ConverterParameter="left">
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolCanvas" Path="ActualWidth" />
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolCanvas" Path="ActualHeight" />
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolImage" Path="ActualWidth" />
                <Binding ElementName="superCoolImage" Path="ActualHeight" />
于 2012-06-21T22:19:46.087 回答

Canvas is intended to use absolute coordinates. You may use solution provided by dwrd or put Canvas and Image both in Grid and then center the Image in this Grid.

于 2012-06-22T03:17:27.683 回答