这是我的第一个 F# 程序。我想我会实施康威的生命游戏作为第一个练习。


let GetNeighbours (p : int, w : int, h : int) : seq<int> =
    let (f1, f2, f3, f4) = (p > w, p % w <> 1, p % w <> 0, p < w * (h - 1))
    (p - w - 1, f1 && f2);
    (p - w, f1);
    (p - w + 1, f1 && f3);
    (p - 1, f2);
    (p + 1, f3);
    (p + w - 1, f4 && f2);
    (p + w, f4);
    (p + w + 1, f4 && f3)
    |> List.filter (fun (s, t) -> t)
    |> List.map (fun (s, t) -> s)
    |> Seq.cast

let rec Evolve (B : seq<int>, S : seq<int>, CC : seq<int>, g : int) : unit =
    let w = 10
    let h = 10
    let OutputStr = (sprintf "Generation %d:  %A" g CC) // LINE_MARKER_1
    printfn "%s" OutputStr
    let CCN = CC |> Seq.map (fun s -> (s, GetNeighbours (s, w, h)))
    let Survivors =
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, t |> Seq.map (fun u -> (CC |> Seq.exists (fun v -> u = v)))))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, t |> Seq.filter (fun u -> u)))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, Seq.length t))
        |> Seq.filter (fun (s, t) -> (S |> Seq.exists (fun u -> t = u)))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> s)
    let NewBorns =
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> t)
        |> Seq.concat
        |> Seq.filter (fun s -> not (CC |> Seq.exists (fun t -> t = s)))
        |> Seq.groupBy (fun s -> s)
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, Seq.length t))
        |> Seq.filter (fun (s, t) -> B |> Seq.exists (fun u -> u = t))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> s)
    let NC = Seq.append Survivors NewBorns
    let SWt = new System.Threading.SpinWait ()
    SWt.SpinOnce ()
    if System.Console.KeyAvailable then
        match (System.Console.ReadKey ()).Key with
        | System.ConsoleKey.Q -> ()
        | _ -> Evolve (B, S, NC, (g + 1))
        Evolve (B, S, NC, (g + 1))

let B = [3]
let S = [2; 3]
let IC = [4; 13; 14]
let g = 0
Evolve (B, S, IC, g)

前五次迭代,即第 0、1、2、3、4 代,毫无问题地发生。然后,在大约 100 毫秒的短暂暂停后,第 5 代完成。但在那之后,程序挂在标记为“LINE_MARKER_1”的行,正如 Visual Studio 断点所揭示的那样。它永远不会到达这printfn条线。

奇怪的是,到了第 2 代,CC函数Evolve中的序列已经稳定到序列[4; 13; 14; 3],所以我看不出为什么第 6 代不能进化。






4 回答 4



let GetNeighbours (p : int, w : int, h : int) : seq<int> =
    let (f1, f2, f3, f4) = (p > w, p % w <> 1, p % w <> 0, p < w * (h - 1))
    (p - w - 1, f1 && f2);
    (p - w, f1);
    (p - w + 1, f1 && f3);
    (p - 1, f2);
    (p + 1, f3);
    (p + w - 1, f4 && f2);
    (p + w, f4);
    (p + w + 1, f4 && f3)
    |> List.filter (fun (s, t) -> t)
    |> List.map (fun (s, t) -> s)
    :> seq<_> // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MINOR EDIT, avoid boxing

let rec Evolve (B : seq<int>, S : seq<int>, CC : seq<int>, g : int) : unit =
    let w = 10
    let h = 10
    let OutputStr = (sprintf "Generation %d:  %A" g CC) // LINE_MARKER_1
    printfn "%s" OutputStr
    let CCN =
        |> Seq.map (fun s -> (s, GetNeighbours (s, w, h)))
        |> Seq.cache // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EDIT
    let Survivors =
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, t |> Seq.map (fun u -> (CC |> Seq.exists (fun v -> u = v)))))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, t |> Seq.filter (fun u -> u)))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, Seq.length t))
        |> Seq.filter (fun (s, t) -> (S |> Seq.exists (fun u -> t = u)))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> s)
    let NewBorns =
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> t)
        |> Seq.concat
        |> Seq.filter (fun s -> not (CC |> Seq.exists (fun t -> t = s)))
        |> Seq.groupBy (fun s -> s)
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> (s, Seq.length t))
        |> Seq.filter (fun (s, t) -> B |> Seq.exists (fun u -> u = t))
        |> Seq.map (fun (s, t) -> s)
    let NC =
        Seq.append Survivors NewBorns
        |> Seq.cache // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EDIT
    let SWt = new System.Threading.SpinWait ()
    SWt.SpinOnce ()
    if System.Console.KeyAvailable then
        match (System.Console.ReadKey ()).Key with
        | System.ConsoleKey.Q -> ()
        | _ -> Evolve (B, S, NC, (g + 1))
        Evolve (B, S, NC, (g + 1))

let B = [3]
let S = [2; 3]
let IC = [4; 13; 14]
let g = 0
Evolve (B, S, IC, g)



另请注意,使用您的编程风格,使用Seq操作符后跟操作符比使用或操作符Seq.cache有一个小的优势:这避免了分配中间数据结构,从而减少了 GC 压力并可能加快速度。ListArray

于 2012-06-21T18:33:34.970 回答


let GetNeighbours p w h =
    let (f1, f2, f3, f4) = p > w, p % w <> 1, p % w <> 0, p < w * (h - 1)
        p - w - 1, f1 && f2
        p - w, f1
        p - w + 1, f1 && f3
        p - 1, f2
        p + 1, f3
        p + w - 1, f4 && f2
        p + w, f4
        p + w + 1, f4 && f3
    |> List.choose (fun (s, t) -> if t then Some s else None)

let rec Evolve B S CC g =
    let w = 10
    let h = 10
    let OutputStr = sprintf "Generation %d:  %A" g CC // LINE_MARKER_1
    printfn "%s" OutputStr
    let CCN = CC |> List.map (fun s -> s, GetNeighbours s w h)
    let Survivors =
        |> List.choose (fun (s, t) ->
            let t =
                |> List.filter (fun u -> CC |> List.exists ((=) u))
                |> List.length
            if S |> List.exists ((=) t) then
                Some s
            else None)
    let NewBorns =
        |> List.collect snd
        |> List.filter (not << fun s -> CC |> List.exists ((=) s))
        |> Seq.countBy id
        |> List.ofSeq
        |> List.choose (fun (s, t) ->
            if B |> List.exists ((=) t) then
                Some s
            else None)
    let NC = List.append Survivors NewBorns
    let SWt = new System.Threading.SpinWait()
    if System.Console.KeyAvailable then
        match (System.Console.ReadKey()).Key with
        | System.ConsoleKey.Q -> ()
        | _ -> Evolve B S NC (g + 1)
        Evolve B S NC (g + 1)

let B = [3]
let S = [2; 3]
let IC = [4; 13; 14]
let g = 0
Evolve B S IC g
于 2012-06-21T17:16:25.133 回答


根据Ramon Snir,ildjarnpad以上的建议,我将Seq.X调用更改为List.X. 我不得不添加一个简单的额外转换步骤来解释List没有的事实groupBy,但是这样做之后,代码现在运行起来就像一个魅力!


于 2012-06-21T17:03:01.950 回答

ML 系列语言最令人惊奇的特征之一是短代码通常是快速代码,这也适用于 F#。


let count (a: _ [,]) x y =
  let m, n = a.GetLength 0, a.GetLength 1
  let mutable c = 0
  for x=x-1 to x+1 do
    for y=y-1 to y+1 do
      if x>=0 && x<m && y>=0 && y<n && a.[x, y] then
        c <- c + 1
  if a.[x, y] then c-1 else c

let rule (a: _ [,]) x y =
  match a.[x, y], count a x y with
  | true, (2 | 3) | false, 3 -> true
  | _ -> false
于 2013-02-01T01:56:26.197 回答