我正在尝试改进我继承的复杂查找过程。查找是通过几个 UDF 结合一些标准工作表函数生成的。但是,问题是当用户更新源表中的一些数据时,重新计算的时间是不可接受的。
所以,我看了看,并认为我可以编写一个更好的 Excel 公式解决方案。好吧,我确实找到了解决方案,但是 Excel 无法处理大型数据集,并且当我的 VBA 针对数据集运行公式时,它会崩溃(可以理解!)。
现在,我可以在 VBA 中完全实现这一点,但是用户必须在每次更改后按下按钮或其他东西来更新。我想要的是一种更简单的方法,如果有的话,使用一些高级 Excel 2007 公式。由于我对这些公式不太熟悉,因此我正在寻求帮助!
如下列中的 Tid、结算日期和月末价格(由 1、2、3 等标识的层期)
Tid SettleDate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... n
InitLayer LiqdLayer InstrClass Tid SettleDate InitPrice LiqdPrice Position
1 2 3 4 5 ... n
在伪公式中,这是我需要为 FormulaSheet 中的每一层列发生的事情
If Layer < InitLayer OR Layer > LiqdLayer Then Return "-"
ElseIf Layer = InitLayer Then (Layered Price - InitPrice) * Position
where Layered Price is obtained by finding the Intersect of the LayerNumber
Column and Tid Row in the SourceSheet
ElseIf Layer = LiqdLayer Then Previous Layered Price * Position
where Previous Layered Price is obtained by finding the Intersect of the Previous
LayerNumber Column and Tid Row in the SourceSheet
Else (LayeredPrice - Previous Layered Price) * 6
where Layered Price and Previous Layered Price are defined as above
End If
=IF(OR(CH$3<$AT6,CH$3>$AU6),"-",IF($AT6=CH$3,(HLOOKUP(CH$3,layered_prices,RIGHT(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4),LEN(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4))-1)-1,FALSE)-$AV6)*$C6,IF($AU6=CH$3,($AW6-HLOOKUP(CG$3,layered_prices,RIGHT(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4),LEN(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4))-1)-1,FALSE))*$C6,(HLOOKUP(CH$3,layered_prices,RIGHT(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4),LEN(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4))-1)-1,FALSE)-HLOOKUP(CG$3,layered_prices,RIGHT(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4),LEN(ADDRESS(MATCH(IF($AX6="CUR",$T6 & " " & $G6,$T6),IF($AX6="CUR",layered_curtid,layered_tid),1),1,4))-1)-1,FALSE))*$C6)))
CH = Layer Number
CG = Previous Layer Number
AT = InitLayer
AU = LiqdLayer
AX = InstrClass (used to find a separate lookup for Currencies)
T = Tid
G = SettleDate (used to find a separate lookup for Currencies)
AV = InitPrice
AW = LiqPrice
C = Position
layered_prices = named range for the range of prices under the layer columns in SourceSheet
layered_tid = named range for tid rows in SourceSheet
layered_curtid = named range for currency tid rows in Source Sheet (just a separte lookup if InstrType = Currency, formula the same