I'm currently in the process of redesigning a website, and I'm using Dreamweaver templates and libraries to maintain a consistent look on each page.

I've gotten to the point where I'm almost finished with the site, and wanting feedback from other people. A way to do this is copy the site over to another drive that is accessible to others in the company I'm working in. The problem is, I copied (ctrl + a) & (ctrl + c) and pasted all files into another folder (on another drive)... and when I go to edit the template and library files in Dreamweaver, they do not update their child-pages. The change is just saved to the .dwt file.

I went back into my other drive (that I had initially made the website in), and updated something on the template page, and a thing pops up and goes through the process of updating each of the child pages. This is what I want in the other drive.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on with copying the files to another drive, that makes it not update?


3 回答 3


您可以从修改 > 模板 > 更新页面手动启动更新对话框。

如果这不能识别您更新的页面有子页面,那么由于文件的路径,这可能是一个问题。如果是这种情况,我建议您在 Dreamweaver 中将其作为新的“站点”进行管理,但要这样做,我会将管理对话框中的原始文件导出到 .ste 文件,然后将其重新导入 DW

你用的是哪个版本的 DW?我可以在我的站点内设置站点

于 2012-06-21T15:51:08.003 回答

我有这个问题,但我解决了,问题出在路径上,如果你看一下 #begininglibraryitem "/your path.. 你会看到错误的路径,但它应该以 "/your 网站名称或文件夹名称开头/图书馆/...

只需 ctrl+f 并找到替换整个网站。“匹配案例”选项替换然后进行测试,更改您的库并更新您可以看到所有页面:)



于 2015-04-13T22:38:07.350 回答

我想到了。当我将文件夹复制到另一个驱动器时,Dreamweaver 没有将模板文件 (Template/content.dwt) 识别为站点的模板。


于 2012-06-21T15:52:36.373 回答