多亏了对我的 XML 解析问题的出色帮助,我已经迷失了如何实际处理 XML 元素(使用 lxml)。

我的数据是 nmap 扫描的输出,由许多记录组成,如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="file:///usr/share/nmap/nmap.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<nmaprun scanner="nmap" args="nmap -sV -p135,12345 -oX" start="1340201347" startstr="Wed Jun 20 16:09:07 2012" version="5.21" xmloutputversion="1.03">
    <status state="down" reason="no-response"/>
    <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
  <host starttime="1340201455" endtime="1340201930">
    <status state="up" reason="echo-reply"/>
    <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
      <hostname name="host1.example.com" type="PTR"/>
      <port protocol="tcp" portid="135">
        <state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="123"/>
        <service name="msrpc" product="Microsoft Windows RPC" ostype="Windows" method="probed" conf="10"/>
      <port protocol="tcp" portid="12345">
        <state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="123"/>
        <service name="http" product="Trend Micro OfficeScan Antivirus http config" method="probed" conf="10"/>
    <times srtt="890" rttvar="2835" to="100000"/>


  • 端口 12345 已打开
  • 端口 135 已打开,12345 已打开


from lxml import etree
import time

scanTime = str(int(time.time()))
d = etree.parse("")

# find all hosts records
for el_host in d.findall("host"):
    # only process hosts UP
    if el_host.find("status").attrib["state"] =="up":

         # here comes a piece of code which sets the variable hostname
         # used later - that part works fine (removed for clarity)

         # get the status of port 135 and 12345
         Open12345 = Open135 = False
         for el_port in el_host.findall("ports/port"):
             # we are now looping thought the <port> records for a given <host>
             if el_port.attrib["portid"] == "135":
                Open135 = el_host.find("ports/port/state").attrib["state"] == "open"
             if el_port.attrib["portid"] == "12345":
                Open12345 = el_host.find("ports/port/state").attrib["state"] == "open"
                # I want to get for port 12345 the description, so I search
                # for <service> within a given port - only 12345 in my case
                # I just search the first one as there is only one
                # this is the place I am not sure I get right
                el_service = el_host.find("ports/port/service")
                if el_service.get("product") is not None:
                   Type12345 = el_host.find("ports/port/service").attrib["product"]

         if Open12345:
            print "%s %s \"%s\"\n" % (scanTime,hostname,Type12345)
         if not Open12345 and Open135:
            print "%s %s \"%s\"\n" % (scanTime,hostname,"NO_OfficeScan")

我不确定的地方在评论中突出显示。使用此代码,我总是匹配Microsoft Windows RPC,就像我在端口 135 的记录中一样(它在 XML 文件中首先出现,在端口 12345 之前)。

我确信问题出在我理解 find 函数的方式上。它可能匹配所有内容,与我所在的位置无关。换句话说,没有递归(据我所知)。

在那种情况下,我如何编码“当您在端口 12345 的记录中时获取服务名称”的概念?



我在我的代码中发现了问题。如果有一天有人偶然发现这个问题,我会重新发布整个脚本(输出来自 nmap,因此有人重用可能会很有趣 - 这是为了解释下面的大块代码:):


from lxml import etree
import time
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("file", help="XML file to parse")
args = parser.parse_args()

scanTime = str(int(time.time()))
d = etree.parse(args.file)

f = open("OfficeScanComplianceDSCampus."+scanTime,"w")
print "Parsing "+ args.file

# find all hosts records
for el_host in d.findall("host"):
    # only process hosts UP
    if el_host.find("status").attrib["state"] =="up":
         # get the first hostname if it exists, otherwise IP
         el_hostname = el_host.find("hostnames/hostname")
         if el_hostname is not None:
            hostname = el_hostname.attrib["name"]
              hostname = el_host.find("address").attrib["addr"]

         # get the status of port 135 and 12345
         Open12345 = Open135 = False
         for el_port in el_host.findall("ports/port"):
             # we are now looping thought the <port> records for a given <host>
             if el_port.attrib["portid"] == "135":
                Open135 = el_port.find("state").attrib["state"] == "open"
             if el_port.attrib["portid"] == "12345":
                Open12345 = el_port.find("state").attrib["state"] == "open"
                # if port open get info about service
                if Open12345:
                   el_service = el_port.find("service")
                   if el_service is None:
                      Type12345 = "UNKNOWN"
                   elif el_service.get("method") == "probed":
                      Type12345 = el_service.get("product")
                        Type12345 = "UNKNOWN"

         if Open12345:
            f.write("%s %s \"%s\"\n" % (scanTime,hostname,Type12345))
         if not Open12345 and Open135:
            f.write("%s %s \"%s\"\n" % (scanTime,hostname,"NO_OfficeScan"))
         if Open12345 and not Open135:
            f.write("%s %s \"%s\"\n" % (scanTime,hostname,"Non-Windows with 12345"))


我还将探讨 Dikei 和 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 给出的 xpath 理念。



1 回答 1


使用 xpath 应该很容易

from lxml import etree
d = etree.parse("")

d.xpath('//port[@portid="12345"]/service/@name') // return name of service in portid=12345
d.xpath('//port[@portid="12345"]/service/@product') // return product in port with portid=12345
于 2012-06-21T11:28:21.997 回答