我正忙于开发一个调用 servlet 的 Windows Phone 应用程序,然后依次返回 JSON,然后将其转换为 C# 对象。
//Login button pressed
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Get needed variables
Doctor doctor = new Doctor();
string userName = txtUsername.Text;
string password = txtPassword.Text;
if ((userName != "" || userName != null) && (password != "" || password != null))
//Log doctor in
doctor.Login(userName, password);
MessageBox.Show("Please make sure all fields are filled out");
//If doctor has valid session ID, forward to search page
if ((doctor.getOk() != "false") || (doctor.getOk() != "") && (doctor.getSessionID() != ""))
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Search.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
//MessageBox.Show("Ok: "+doctor.getOk()+"\nSessionID: "+doctor.getSessionID());
MessageBox.Show("Login failed, please check your username and password and try again");
public class Doctor
string sessionID = "";
string username = "";
string password = "";
string ok = "";
public void Login(string argUsername, string argPassword){
if ((username != "" || username != null) && (password != "" || password != null))
//Set doctor username and password for later reference if necesarry
this.username = argUsername;
this.password = argPassword;
//Url to login servlet
string servletUrl = "" + username + "&p=" + password;
//Calls Servlet
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(logonJsonDownloadComplete);
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(servletUrl, UriKind.Absolute));
//Converts returned Json to C# Object
private void logonJsonDownloadComplete(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
var jsonResponse = e.Result;
var session = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Session>(e.Result);
ok = session.ok;
sessionID = session.sid;
MessageBox.Show("Ok: " + ok + "\nSessionID: " + sessionID);
public string getOk()
return this.ok;
public string getSessionID()
return this.sessionID;
public class Session
public string sid { get; set; }
public Account account { get; set; }
public string ok { get; set; }
public string expiry { get; set; }
现在的问题是:当用户单击登录按钮时,会创建一个新的医生对象,然后在该医生对象上调用 login() 方法,然后再调用 servlet。当 json 成功下载后,logonJsonDownloadComplete方法在医生类中被调用。然后基本上获取 json,并将其转换为几乎只有一堆 getter 和 setter 的会话对象。然后登录方法将医生变量(sessionID 和 ok)设置为会话对象中的任何内容。(呸!)
但是,当我在按钮单击事件中对我的医生对象调用 getOk() 和 getSessionID() 时,它会返回空白字符串,就像从未设置过变量一样。我认为这是因为代码可能异步运行?
如何在 getOk() 和 getSessionID() 语句之前在 onclick 方法中暂停我的代码,直到调用logonJsonDownloadComplete方法。这意味着已经收到了这些值......如果这有意义吗?
还可能值得一提的是,当我在 logonJsonDownloadComplete 方法中调用 MessageDialog 时,它可以工作,但是当我在 click 事件中调用它(当前已注释掉)时,它会返回空白变量。