
<string class="l1"><local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="en">Some other English here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="en">and some English here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local></string>
<string class="l1"><local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="fr">Some other English translated to French here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="fr">and some English translated to French here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local></string>
<string class="l1"><local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="de">Some other English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="another_class"><local xml:lang="de">and some English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="l1"><local xml:lang="nl">Some English translated to Dutch here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="nl">Some other English translated to Dutch here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="nl">and some English translated to Dutch here<br/>Some English translated to Dutch here</local></string>

实际文件可以包含 30 种语言和数百个节点,因此上面的示例非常简化。



<!-- French has the same amount of elements, and a full sequential match of attributes, so we can merge -->
<string class="l1">
    <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
    <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
<string class="p">
    <local xml:lang="en">Some other English here</local>
    <local xml:lang="fr">Some other English translated to French here</local>
<string class="p">
    <local xml:lang="en">and some English here</local>
    <local xml:lang="fr">and some English translated to French here</local>
<string class="p">
    <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
    <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
<!-- German has same amount of elements, but different tag sequence, so we leave it for manual review -->
<string class="l1"><local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="de">Some other English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="another_class"><local xml:lang="de">and some English translated to German here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local></string>
<!-- Dutch has same same tag sequence but less elements, so we leave it for manual review-->
<string class="l1"><local xml:lang="nl">Some English translated to Dutch here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="nl">Some other English translated to Dutch here</local></string>
<string class="p"><local xml:lang="nl">and some English translated to Dutch here<br/>Some English translated to Dutch here</local></string>


有什么建议吗?(使用 xslt2)

谢谢 !


2 回答 2


这是一个示例 XSLT 2.0 样式表:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:output indent="yes"/>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

  select="root/chapter[string/local/@xml:lang = 'en']"/>

  select="root/chapter[not(string/local/@xml:lang = 'en')]
    [count(string) eq count($master/string)
      (every $i in (1 to count($master/string))
       satisfies $master/string[$i]/@class eq string[$i]/@class)]"/>

<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@* , node()"/>

<xsl:template match="chapter[. intersect $master]">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="string"/>

<xsl:template match="string[local/@xml:lang = 'en']">
  <xsl:variable name="pos" select="position()"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | local | $matches/string[$pos]/local"/>

<xsl:template match="chapter[. intersect $matches]"/>


当我将 Saxon 9.4 应用于您发布的输入时,我得到了结果

      <string class="l1">
         <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="en">Some other English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">Some other English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="en">and some English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">and some English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="l1">
         <local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="de">Some other English translated to German here</local>
      <string class="another_class">
         <local xml:lang="de">and some English translated to German here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local>
      <string class="l1">
         <local xml:lang="nl">Some English translated to Dutch here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="nl">Some other English translated to Dutch here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="nl">and some English translated to Dutch here<br/>Some English translated to Dutch here</local>
于 2012-06-21T10:12:07.620 回答


<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:variable name="vENSignature" select="string-join(/*/*[1]/*/@class, '+')"/>
 <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
       <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

 <xsl:template match="/*">
   <xsl:for-each-group select="chapter"
    group-adjacent="string-join(*/@class, '+') eq $vENSignature">
       <xsl:when test="current-grouping-key() eq true()">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
          <xsl:sequence select="current-group()"/>

 <xsl:template match="chapter/*" >
  <xsl:variable name="vPos" select="position()"/>
    <xsl:sequence select="@*, current-group()/*[position() = $vPos]/*"/>

应用于提供的 XML 文档时:

        <string class="l1">
            <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="en">Some other English here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="en">and some English here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
        <string class="l1">
            <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="fr">Some other English translated to French here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="fr">and some English translated to French here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
        <string class="l1">
            <local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="de">Some other English translated to German here</local>
        <string class="another_class">
            <local xml:lang="de">and some English translated to German here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local>
        <string class="l1">
            <local xml:lang="nl">Some English translated to Dutch here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="nl">Some other English translated to Dutch here</local>
        <string class="p">
            <local xml:lang="nl">and some English translated to Dutch here
                <br/>Some English translated to Dutch here


      <string class="l1">
         <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="en">Some other English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">Some other English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="en">and some English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">and some English translated to French here</local>
      <string class="p">
         <local xml:lang="en">Some English here</local>
         <local xml:lang="fr">Some English translated to French here</local>
            <string class="l1">
                  <local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local>
            <string class="p">
                  <local xml:lang="de">Some other English translated to German here</local>
            <string class="another_class">
                  <local xml:lang="de">and some English translated to German here</local>
            <string class="p">
                  <local xml:lang="de">Some English translated to German here</local>
            <string class="l1">
                  <local xml:lang="nl">Some English translated to Dutch here</local>
            <string class="p">
                  <local xml:lang="nl">Some other English translated to Dutch here</local>
            <string class="p">
                  <local xml:lang="nl">and some English translated to Dutch here
                <br/>Some English translated to Dutch here


  1. 我们定义并使用 a 的“签名”属性chapter——即class其子项的属性值的序列。

  2. 我们chapter根据其签名是否等于“英文签名”这一事实对所有元素进行分组。

  3. 我们合并chapter组中签名等于“英文签名”的元素。

  4. chapter我们复制其他组中的元素不变。

于 2012-06-21T12:12:19.657 回答