# Get the individual holding valuation data
valuation = get_valuation(portfolio = portfolio, df = True)
# Then next few lines retrieve the dates for which I have complete price data for the
# assets that comprise this portflio
# First get a list of the assets that this portfolio contains (or has contained).
unique_assets = valuation['asset'].unique().tolist()
# Then I get the price data for these assets
ats = get_ats(assets = unique_assets, df = True )[['data_date','close_price']]
# I mark those dates for which I have a 'close_price' for each asset:
ats = ats.groupby('data_date')['close_price'].agg({'data_complete':lambda x: len(x) == len(unique_assets)} ).reset_index()
# And extract the corresponding valid dates.
valid_dates = ats['data_date'][ats['data_complete']]
# Filter the valuation data for those dates for which I have complete data:
valuation = valuation[valuation['data_date'].apply(lambda x: x in valid_dates.values)]
# Group by date, and sum the individual hodling valuations by date, to get the Portfolio valuation
portfolio_valuation = valuation[['data_date','valuation']].groupby('data_date').agg(lambda df: sum(df['valuation'])).reset_index()
1) 上面的方法感觉很复杂,我相信 Pandas 有更好的方法来实现我的解决方案。有什么建议么?
2)我使用的方法并不理想。最好的方法是,对于我们没有估值数据的那些日期(对于给定的持股),我们应该使用该持股的最新估值。因此,假设我正在计算 2012 年 6 月 21 日的投资组合估值,并且在该日期有 GOOG 的估值数据,但只有 2012 年 6 月 20 日的 APPL 估值数据。那么 2012 年 6 月 21 日投资组合的估值应该仍然是总和这两个估值。在 Pandas 中是否有有效的方法来做到这一点?我想避免遍历数据。