I am developing a set of TFrame-based components that inherit from one another (as so many who have helped me tremendously along the way already know!), and am running into yet another little "snag," related to packages and installation.

I have essentially the following hierarchy:


...and a panel, TExtRzPanel, which inherits from a Raize Panel and adds some sizing / moving functionality to it, along w/a few other properties / features. TBaseSizeableFrame uses this component, and passes through much of it's functionality to the frame itself, so I can develop the compound Viewer components visually. Overall it works well.

The TFrame descendants are all registered to the palette (see this post for related question I asked earlier). Currently, I have packages set up like this:

  • MyPanels - Contains the TExtRzPanel
  • BaseFrames - Contains TBaseFrame, and TBaseSizeableFrame
  • ViewerSet1 - Contains one Viewer frame-based component, and a non-visual component which calls that Viewer as a dialog form. (I'm planning on this package having a few other viewers in it as well).

The main error that started my current chaos was this one:

Cannot access package information for package 'MyPanels.bpl'

I'm dizzy enough with this thing now that I'm having trouble remembnering the exact sequences of what I've tried and in what order, but the trouble seems to have started when I added the dialog form to ViewerSet1, which uses a TViewer frame from the same project, and which (of course) thus uses a TExtRzPanel (which is the package the IDE is complaining about).

Based on this I've deleted the DCP files (and DCU files too, I think at some point), uninstalled the packages, and then recompiled/reinstalled them MyPanels -> BaseFrames, and got them all working to that point, but upon installing ViewerSet1 the whole thing blows apart again. Other errors I noted along the way of trying to figure this out include these:

  • Package C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\5.0\Bpl\MyPanels.bpl can't be installed because it was created with a different version of Delphi or CBuilder. Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded? (Note: I've only built this with ONE version of Delphi -- Delphi 2007)
  • At one point, I noticed that the package description for MyPanels didn't "take" (i.e. it showed up as just the file name is Tools -> Compoenent -> Install Packages), which makes me think maybe there are two versions of the file the IDE is finding / using, but I'm not seeing/finding that to be the case.
  • The warning Delphi gives when starting up, indicating it can't load an installed package, and do you want to load it next time, etc.
  • Cannot access package information for package 'MyPanels.bpl' (Lather, rinse, repeat)

Any and all help / direction re: how to diagnose, along with any conceptual explanation which could help me understand what to even look for, would be most appreciated. THANKS IN ADVANCE. You folks have been SO helpful here! Thank you. : )

Update later:

After setting this aside for a bit and coming back to it, I tried deleting all the DCP / DCU MyPanels files, and then installing the three packages step by step. (VMWare was worth its weight in gold here -- snapshots after each success, so as to not have to start over at the bottom if/when things went wrong). Turns out, if I removed the dialog form from the ViewerSet1 pakckage, it installs OK. If I then add the form again (which doesn't show up with its DFM, like I ran into here), it seems to install OK. I've got all the components installed not and seemingly working OK (and snapshot the whole thing in my VM!), but I'm still not sure what went wrong nor why. What could adding that form have done initially which would cause these kinds of errors? Any idea?

Even a better explanation / understanding of what kinds of things can cause the "Cannot access package information" error would be helpful in the long run, I think.


1 回答 1


好的,我肯定缺少一些东西。来自 SysUtils:

function PackageInfoTable(Module: HMODULE): PPackageInfoHeader;
  ResInfo: HRSRC;
  Data: THandle;
  Result := nil;
  ResInfo := FindResource(Module, 'PACKAGEINFO', RT_RCDATA);
  if ResInfo <> 0 then
    Data := LoadResource(Module, ResInfo);
    if Data <> 0 then
      Result := LockResource(Data);

因此,如果您收到最后一个错误,则说明您的包没有附加必要的 PACKAGEINFO 资源。这可能也是您的第一个错误的原因(使用不同版本的 Delphi 创建)。

Appologies 问这个问题,但是您是否通过选择 File->New->Package-Delphi 创建了包?我在问,因为它具有仅具有 bpl 扩展的库的所有特征。

如果您确定该软件包是以正确的方式创建的,我建议您在整个硬盘驱动器中搜索同名的 DLL 文件。您找到的所有 bpl 包,您应该执行以下操作:

C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\bin\tdump.exe mypackage.bpl>mypackage.txt

在您的 mypackage.txt 文件中应该有一个名为 PACKAGEINFO 的资源。

或者,您可以从 live.sysinternals.com 下载 filemon.exe,设置bds过滤器并监视 IDE 实际尝试加载的内容。它很可能是您的包正在加载的另一个包,并且第二个包没有附加 PACKAGEINFO。

于 2009-07-11T06:25:59.790 回答