以免我遭受一阵乏味的震颤(大致介于震颤谵妄和腕管综合症之间),我需要找到一种方法来自动解析大型 sql 语句文件及其参数值。

我有一个包含大量 sql 语句的文件,格式如下:

select Animal#, RacketThreshold, PeakOil as Oil
from OilAnimalPlatypus2
where OilAnimalPlatypusID = :ID
  and Animal# = :Animal
  and TelecasterAccessType = 'D'
select Animal, RacketThreshold, PeakOil as Oil
from OilRequestPlatypus
where PlatypusID = :ID
  and Animal = :Animal
order by RacketThreshold


...即多行 sql 语句,后跟一个空行,后跟两个破折号和一个带有参数名称、数据类型和参数的箭头,后跟相同的东西,一遍又一遍地反复无止境地恶心(除了 sql 语句有无参数)。

我想从这个伟大的 gob 中为每个唯一查询创建一个单独的字符串(其中许多是相同的,尽管通常为参数分配了不同的参数值)。如果可能的话,我还想跟踪传递给特定查询的所有参数值(例如,如果第一次调用它并为特定参数传递“1”,下一次是“42”,下一次“3.14”等),我想要该 arg 名称的 1、42、3.14 的集合。

有超过 400 个查询,我讨厌“手动”完成这一切的想法——尤其是匹配查询的比较。


好的,添加此代码以使用 Jon 的代码后:

private void buttonOpenAndParseSQLMonFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var queriesAndArgs = (Dictionary<string, List<string>>)ParseFile("SQLMonTraceLog.txt");
    foreach(var pair in queriesAndArgs)
        foreach (String s in pair.Value)

...我在我的richTextBox 中得到这些类型的结果:

select ABCID from ABCWorker where lower(loginid) = lower(user) 

select r.roleid from abcrole r, abcworker w where lower(w.loginid)=lower(user)   and r.abcid=w.abcid   and r.status='A'

select Tier#, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Ratefrom RageAnimalGreenBayPackers2 where RageAnimalGreenBayPackersID = :ID and Tier# = 

:Tier and FlyingVAccessType = 'D' UNION select Tier, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate from CaliforniaCondorGreenBayPackers where 

GreenBayPackersID = :ID and Tier = :Tier order by BenGrimm 
-->   :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=1 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=1 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=1 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=4 

select Tier#, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate from RageAnimalGreenBayPackers2 where RageAnimalGreenBayPackersID = :ID and Tier# = 

:Tier and FlyingVAccessType = 'D' UNION select Tier, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate from CaliforniaCondorGreenBayPackers where 

GreenBayPackersID = :ID and Tier = :Tier order by BenGrimm 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=2 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=5 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=1 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=2 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=3 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=4 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=2 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=3 
-->  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> :Tier(INTEGER)=4 

...所以,这很有启发性,但我发现这不是我所需要的,而且这取决于我对文件的 lamo 手动调整。所以,我想我需要退后一步,解析文件,因为它实际上是给我的,递增的数字分隔每个“有趣的”事件:

. . .
6       11:30:46  SQL Execute: select ABCID
from ABCWorker
where lower(loginid) = lower(user)
7       11:30:46  SQL Prepare: select r.roleid from abcrole r, abcworker w where lower(w.loginid)=lower(user)   and     
r.abcid=w.abcid   and r.status='A'
8       11:30:46  SQL Execute: select r.roleid from abcrole r, abcworker w where lower(w.loginid)=lower(user)   and     
r.abcid=w.abcid   and r.status='A'
9       11:30:46  SQL Execute: select Tier#, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate
from RageAnimalGreenBayPackers2
where RageAnimalGreenBayPackersID = :ID
  and Tier# = :Tier
  and FlyingVAccessType = 'D'
select Tier, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate
from CaliforniaCondorGreenBayPackers
where GreenBayPackersID = :ID
  and Tier = :Tier
order by BenGrimm
10      11:30:46  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> 
11      11:30:46  SQL Execute: select Tier#, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate
from RageAnimalGreenBayPackers2
where RageAnimalGreenBayPackersID = :ID
  and Tier# = :Tier
  and FlyingVAccessType = 'D'
select Tier, BenGrimm, PeakRate as Rate
from CaliforniaCondorGreenBayPackers
where GreenBayPackersID = :ID
  and Tier = :Tier
order by BenGrimm
12      11:30:46  :ID(VARCHAR[0])=<NULL> 
. . .

3 回答 3


你真正需要的是一个词法分析器。查看 ANTLR - http://www.antlr.org/

您将需要定义您的“语法”,即您的语言的每个元素的特征(在这种情况下是您的 SQL 文件)。最后,ANTLR 处理您的文件并根据我们的语法定义吐出结果。


于 2012-06-20T21:17:07.897 回答


string line = String.Empty;

List<String> statementBlocks = new List<String>();

System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("C:\\temp\\annoying_text_file.sql");

StringBuilder blockCollector = new StringBuilder();

//read the file a line at a time
while((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
  //If the line has content, then we append it to our string builder 
  if(!String.IsNullOrWhitespace(line)) //String.IsNullOrWhitespace is new in .Net 4 and will also match the new line
       //we've hit a blank line - dump it to the list and reinitialize the stringbuilder
       statementBlocks = new StringBuilder();


//Tidy up

foreach(string statementBlock in statementBlocks)
        //Code to split out the arguments; if they are delimited with : then you can just string.split this line
        //string[] paramsAndValues = line.Replace("-->", String.Empty).Split(Char.Parse(":"))
        // then for each string in here it's paramName(DataType)=Value, which is also splittable.
      //Do whatever you want with this valid block (including writing it to another file!)
      //To keep only the unique ones, store each block in a list, then look to see if a block already exists in the list each time; if it does, just skip this block. Given you also know that the next block will be a parameter block, you can also collect the parameters here too



于 2012-06-20T21:17:50.883 回答

假设您通过另一个空白行将查询彼此分开,您可以尝试使用以下内容来解析您的文件。代码将通读文件直到结束。对 parseQuery 的每次调用都将逐行读取,直到找到一个空行,并将它们附加在一起作为您的查询。然后它将检查下一行,如果它不是参数块的开头,它将保存不带参数的查询,并重新开始,假设它位于另一个查询的开头。如果该行参数块的开头,则代码将读取,直到遇到另一个空白行,保存查询及其参数,然后返回。while(parseQuery) 将确保整个文件被解析。


static IDictionary<string, List<string>> ParseFile(string path)
    Dictionary<string, List<string>> queries = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
    using (var reader = File.OpenText(path))
        while (parseQuery(reader, queries)) { }
    return queries;

private static bool parseQuery(StreamReader reader, Dictionary<string, List<string>> queries)
    StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder sbArgs = new StringBuilder();
    // Read in query
    bool moreLines = ParseBlock(reader, sbQuery);
    if (moreLines)
        while (moreLines)
            string line = reader.ReadLine();
            // Check for the beginning of an args block.
            if (line != null && line.StartsWith("-->"))
                // Read in args
                moreLines = ParseBlock(reader, sbArgs);
            // If this is not an args block, it is a new query
            // Save the last query and start over
                AddQuery(queries, sbQuery.ToString(), sbArgs.ToString());
                sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
                sbQuery.Append(line); // Make sure we capture the last line
                moreLines = ParseBlock(reader, sbQuery);
    AddQuery(queries, sbQuery.ToString(), sbArgs.ToString());
    return moreLines;

private static bool ParseBlock(StreamReader reader, StringBuilder builder)
    string line;
    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
        line = line.Trim();
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) break;

        builder.Append(line + " ");
    return line != null;

private static void AddQuery(Dictionary<string, List<string>> queries, string query, string args)
    if (query.Length > 0)
        List<string> lstParams;
        if (!queries.TryGetValue(query, out lstParams))
            lstParams = new List<string>();
        queries[query] = lstParams;
于 2012-06-20T21:55:39.687 回答