function copy2(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheets()[0]); selects the first sheet in your spreadsheet
var data=sh.getDataRange().getValues();// data is a 2D array, index0 = col A
// so column k is index 10
var target=new Array();// this is a new array to collect data
for(n=0;n<data.length;++n){ // iterate in the array, row by row
if (data[n][10]=="Done In The Past 30 Days"){ ;// if condition is true copy the whole row to target
taget.push(data[n]);// copy the whole row
if(target.length>0){// if there is something to copy
var sh2=SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(ss.getSheets()[1]); //second sheet of your spreadsheet
sh2.getRange(1,1,target.length,target[0].length).setValues();// paste the selected values in the 2cond sheet in one batch write