子类 NSOutlineView 并覆盖makeViewWithIdentifier:owner:
- (id)makeViewWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier owner:(id)owner {
id view = [super makeViewWithIdentifier:identifier owner:owner];
if ([identifier isEqualToString:NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey]) {
// Do your customization
return view;

/* The following NSOutlineView*Keys are used by the View Based NSOutlineView to create the "disclosure button" used to collapse and expand items. The NSOutlineView creates these buttons by calling [self makeViewWithIdentifier:owner:] passing in the key as the identifier and the delegate as the owner. Custom NSButtons (or subclasses thereof) can be provided for NSOutlineView to use in the following two ways:
1. makeViewWithIdentifier:owner: can be overridden, and if the identifier is (for instance) NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey, a custom NSButton can be configured and returned. Be sure to set the button.identifier to be NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey.
2. At design time, a button can be added to the outlineview which has this identifier, and it will be unarchived and used as needed.
When a custom button is used, it is important to properly set up the target/action to do something (probably expand or collapse the rowForView: that the sender is located in). Or, one can call super to get the default button, and copy its target/action to get the normal default behavior.
NOTE: These keys are backwards compatible to 10.7, however, the symbol is not exported prior to 10.9 and the regular string value must be used (i.e.: @"NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey").
APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *const NSOutlineViewDisclosureButtonKey NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_9); // The normal triangle disclosure button
APPKIT_EXTERN NSString *const NSOutlineViewShowHideButtonKey NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_9); // The show/hide button used in "Source Lists"