
class Foo
trait Bar

有没有办法制作一个接受类型参数 T 并确定 T 是否为 Bar 的方法?例如,

def isBar[T <: Foo: Manifest] = 

可悲isBar[Foo with Bar]的是,false因为擦除似乎会擦除 mixins。

还有,manifest[Foo with Bar] <:< manifest[Bar]是假的


我看了这个问题:如何判断 Scala reified 类型是否扩展了某个父类?



4 回答 4


这可以通过TypeTags(至少 2.10M7)来实现:

scala> class Foo; trait Bar
defined class Foo
defined trait Bar

scala> import reflect.runtime.universe._
import reflect.runtime.universe._

scala> def isBar[A <: Foo : TypeTag] = typeOf[A].baseClasses.contains(typeOf[Bar].typeSymbol)
isBar: [A <: Foo](implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A])Boolean

scala> isBar[Foo]
res43: Boolean = false

scala> isBar[Foo with Bar]
res44: Boolean = true

TypeTag 提供 Scala 类型的 1:1 转换,因为它们代表编译器知道的类型。因此它们比普通的旧清单更强大:

scala> val fooBar = typeTag[Foo with Bar]
fooBar: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[Foo with Bar] = TypeTag[Foo with Bar]

通过该方法tpe,我们可以完全访问 Scalas 的新反射:

scala> val tpe = fooBar.tpe // equivalent to typeOf[Foo with Bar]
tpe: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = Foo with Bar

scala> val tpe.<tab><tab> // lot of nice methods here
=:=                 asInstanceOf        asSeenFrom          baseClasses         baseType            contains            declaration         
declarations        erasure             exists              find                foreach             isInstanceOf        kind                
map                 member              members             narrow              normalize           substituteSymbols   substituteTypes     
takesTypeArgs       termSymbol          toString            typeConstructor     typeSymbol          widen  
于 2012-06-20T20:27:12.827 回答

可以在 2.10 之前执行此操作,但不是(据我所知)使用清单:

def isBar[T <: Foo](implicit ev: T <:< Bar = null) = ev != null


scala> isBar[Foo with Bar]
res0: Boolean = true

scala> isBar[Foo]
res1: Boolean = false
于 2012-06-20T21:33:10.543 回答


trait IsBar[T] {
  def apply():Boolean

trait LowerLevelImplicits {
  implicit def defaultIsBar[T] = new IsBar[T]{
    def apply() = false

object Implicits extends LowerLevelImplicits {
  implicit def isBarTrue[T <: Bar] = new IsBar[T] {
    def apply() = true

def isBar[T<:Foo]( t: T )( implicit ib: IsBar[T] ) = ib.apply()

scala> import Implicits._

scala> isBar( new Foo )
res6: Boolean = false

scala> isBar( new Foo with Bar )
res7: Boolean = true
于 2012-06-20T22:13:38.830 回答


  trait SubClassGauge[A, B] {
    def A_isSubclassOf_B: Boolean

  implicit class IsSubclassOps[A](a: A) {
    def isSubclassOf[B](implicit ev: SubClassGauge[A, B]): Boolean = ev.A_isSubclassOf_B

  trait LowerLevelImplicits {
    implicit def defaultSubClassGauge[A, B] = new SubClassGauge[A, B] {
      override def A_isSubclassOf_B: Boolean = false

  object Implicits extends LowerLevelImplicits {
    implicit def subClassGauge[A <: B, B]: SubClassGauge[A, B] = new SubClassGauge[A, B] {
      override def A_isSubclassOf_B: Boolean = true

  trait Prime
  class NotSuper
  class Super extends Prime
  class Sub extends Super
  class NotSub

现在,在 REPL 中:

@ import Implicits._ 
import Implicits._
@ (new Sub).isSubclassOf[NotSuper] 
res29: Boolean = false
@ (new Sub).isSubclassOf[Super] 
res30: Boolean = true
@ (new Sub).isSubclassOf[Prime] 
res31: Boolean = true
@ (new Super).isSubclassOf[Prime] 
res32: Boolean = true
@ (new Super).isSubclassOf[Sub] 
res33: Boolean = false
@ (new NotSub).isSubclassOf[Super] 
res34: Boolean = false

TypeTag现在属于 scala reflect 包。需要添加额外的依赖才能使用它。

于 2017-07-25T02:21:25.213 回答