Assume there are two separate web applications:

  1. a sports site with admin backend
  2. an email marketing application also with an admin backend

I want to be able to administer the marketing application from the sport's backend so that I don't have to open two separate admin interfaces.

My questions are as follows:


How is this achieved? How can I embed the email admin backend into the sport's backend so that I operate the two from one place? Let's say both applications are in PHP.

Lets assume both applications are from the same Framework (Yii or Zend or CakePHP etc..).


Assuming the applications are in different PHP Frameworks , how can it be done?

I hope my question is clear. I have tried googling the issue but couldn't find any answers. If there is a tutorial somewhere, kindly point me there.


2 回答 2


Unless there is some kind of bridging software between the two applications (you don't say what they are), or some very common ground, you'll likely have to write such an interface yourself. Both sites depend on different code and data to accomplish similar tasks, and you'll have to "introduce them to eah other" so that they can work together.

于 2012-06-20T17:33:23.470 回答

I cant see any problems here at all? Most frameworks allow you to connect to multiple databases, so just create a general admin that has pages for both websites, connecting to the correct database for each page. You would be able to choose whatever framework you want. The general backend for both sites can be on any domain. The only drawback i can think of is if one database is on another server it will be much slower.

于 2012-06-20T17:49:43.117 回答