我的回答将对 PHP 开发人员有所帮助
我正在使用 v201502(php),您将从ManagedCustomerService
api 获取所有帐户详细信息。请参考以下网址https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201502/ManagedCustomerService
function DisplayAccountTree($account, $link, $accounts, $links, $depth) {
print str_repeat('-', $depth * 2);
printf("%s, %s\n", $account->customerId, $account->name);
if (array_key_exists($account->customerId, $links)) {
foreach ($links[$account->customerId] as $childLink) {
$childAccount = $accounts[$childLink->clientCustomerId];
DisplayAccountTree($childAccount, $childLink, $accounts, $links,
$depth +1);
function GetAccountHierarchyExample(AdWordsUser $user) {
// Get the service, which loads the required classes.
$managedCustomerService =
// Create selector.
$selector = new Selector();
// Specify the fields to retrieve.
$selector->fields = array('CustomerId', 'Name');
// Make the get request.
$graph = $managedCustomerService->get($selector);
// Display serviced account graph.
if (isset($graph->entries)) {
// Create map from customerId to parent and child links.
$childLinks = array();
$parentLinks = array();
if (isset($graph->links)) {
foreach ($graph->links as $link) {
$childLinks[$link->managerCustomerId][] = $link;
$parentLinks[$link->clientCustomerId][] = $link;
// Create map from customerID to account, and find root account.
$accounts = array();
$rootAccount = NULL;
foreach ($graph->entries as $account) {
$accounts[$account->customerId] = $account;
if (!array_key_exists($account->customerId, $parentLinks)) {
$rootAccount = $account;
// The root account may not be returned in the sandbox.
if (!isset($rootAccount)) {
$rootAccount = new Account();
$rootAccount->customerId = 0;
// Display account tree.
print "(Customer Id, Account Name)\n";
DisplayAccountTree($rootAccount, NULL, $accounts, $childLinks, 0);
} else {
print "No serviced accounts were found.\n";
SetClientCustomerId将是您所有帐户的父 ID,它将出现在您的 google AdWords 帐户的退出按钮附近,请参阅附图
