So I have about 1000 files that are multiple columns, but I'm only interested in some stats of two of those columns. If $4 was something like a star's spectral class (ie a unique value) and $5 in each of these files was a result, like seen, unseen, unknown, etc, is there a recommended way to grep or awk out the stats like so across the 1000 or so files so I get something like:
Type O, #verified, #not-verified, #property-j, ...
Type B, ...
Type A, ...
Type i,
Where, in each file, you'd see something like:
$1, $2, $3, Spectral Type, Result
foo, foo, foo, A, verified
foo, foo, foo, G, verified
foo, foo, foo, A, unknown
foo, foo, foo, F, verified
foo, foo, foo, G, verified
foo, foo, foo, K, verified
foo, foo, foo, K, seen