我在 Eclipse 中安装了 Fedora 11 (x86 64)。我需要一个 Maven 插件,最好是 m2eclipse,但我不知道如何安装它。我试过通过 yum,但无济于事(我什至找不到任何 maven 插件)。

在我的另一台笔记本电脑上,我尝试在 32 位安装的 Fedora 11 上使用 yum 安装插件,虽然软件包显示为已安装,但我在 Eclipse 中仍然看不到它。我什至尝试使用 clean 标志启动 Eclipse。

任何人都可以为我提供帮助吗?我已经安装了 Maven 2.0.4。提前致谢!


4 回答 4


I was able to install the core components of the m2eclipse plugin after I first installed the ganymede packages from their update site: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/ganymede/

Apparently "Fedora Eclipse" is not a flavor of the ganymede build.

于 2009-07-10T23:41:41.177 回答
于 2009-07-10T23:00:35.863 回答

Goto Eclipse->Help->Install New Software...

Add the following update site in Eclipse http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e and enable the repository for your release of eclipse under "Available Software Sites" as well (which is disabled in Fedora by default).

Afterwards the installation in Eclipse should work without any missing dependencies.

于 2011-04-22T17:00:22.933 回答

I was hitting the same problem; evlipse installs it but the plugin isn't visible in the list nor are any of the features it should offer (such as a maven import wizard).

java 6, ubuntu, eclipse downloaded from the official site.

I removed ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_1020258342 Started eclipse again added the EMF update site added the IAM site installed eclipse IAM core, said no to resarting the workspace, quit eclipse started eclipse

and its working.

于 2009-08-15T04:55:05.063 回答