此查询从两个表返回以下结果。计数是与 ID 关联的产品数量:

select pog.DBKey
as Total
from ix_spc_planogram as pog with (nolock)
   , ix_spc_position as pos with (nolock)
where pog.dbkey = pos.dbparentplanogramkey
and pog.Value4 = 358
group by pog.dbkey 

DBKEY  Total
2134   20
2132   22
2133   20

现在我需要使用此信息来确定 2134 是否具有与 2133 相同的 DBParentProductKeys。我需要将所有类似 DbKEys 的对象组合在一起,如下所示

DBKEY    Assortment
2134     1                1+1 because it has the same ParentProductKeys
2133     1
2132     2



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