


public class Parent
        public ObjectId _id { get; set; }
        public string Firstname { get; set; }
        public string Lastname { get; set; }
        public Collection<Child> Children { get; set; }

    public class Child
        public ObjectId _id { get; set; }
        public string Firstname { get; set; }
        public string Lastname { get; set; }
        public Collection<Pet> Pets { get; set; }

    public class Pet
        public string Name { get; set; }

使用以下代码,我创建了一个 Parent,添加了一些 Children,并将 Pet 添加到其中一个孩子。

// Construct Objects
Parent parent = new Parent() { _id = new ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecb1") };

Collection<Child> children = new Collection<Child>();
Collection<Pet> pets = new Collection<Pet>();

children.Add(new Child() 
    { _id = new ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecaf"), 
      Firstname = "Child", 
      Lastname = "One" });
children.Add(new Child() 
    { _id = new ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecb0"), 
      Firstname = "Child", 
      Lastname = "Two" });
pets.Add(new Pet() { Name = "Fishy" });

parent.Children = children;
parent.Children[0].Pets = pets;

// Connect to Mongo
var server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost/?safe=true");
var db = server.GetDatabase("test");

// Insert into parent collection
MongoCollection<Parent> parents;
parents = db.GetCollection<Parent>("parents");
parents.Insert<Parent>(parent, MongoDB.Driver.SafeMode.True);

这成功插入对象,生成以下 JSON 结果:

{   "_id" : ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecb1"),
    "Firstname" : null,
    "Lastname" : null,
    "Children" : 
            "_id" : ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecaf"),
            "Firstname" : "Child",
            "Lastname" : "One",
            "Pets" : 
                    "Name" : "Fishy"
            "_id" : ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecb0"),
            "Firstname" : "Child",
            "Lastname" : "Two",
            "Pets" : null


// Change children's name
var query = new QueryDocument { { "Children._id", new ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecaf") } };
var update = Update.Set("Children.$.Firstname", "Something");
parents.Update(query, update);

现在我无法解决的问题是如何替换 Pets 数组。以下代码无法编译,因为 Update.Set 不接受集合。

// Change pets information
pets[0].Name = "Fishy2"; // change to pet
pets.Add(new Pet() { Name = "Doggy" }); // add new pet

query = new QueryDocument { { "Children._id", new ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecaf") } };
update = Update.Set("Children.$.Pets", pets);
parents.Update(query, update);

那么,让我能够更新 Pets 数组中的详细信息的最佳过程是什么?


2 回答 2


这是您要查找的代码:您需要将 BsonArray 传递给 Update.Set 值。要创建该数组,您需要将每个“宠物”包装在 BsonDocumentWrapper 中,以便序列化库知道如何适当地序列化它们。

var query = new QueryDocument { { "Children._id", new ObjectId("4f979621682dbc1a8cefecaf") } };
var petDocuments = BsonDocumentWrapper.CreateMultiple(pets);
var petArray = new BsonArray(petDocuments);
var update = Update.Set("Children.$.Pets", petArray);
parents.Update(query, update);
于 2012-06-20T18:25:17.517 回答
> db.Questions.find().pretty()
        "Answers" : [
                        "_id" : ObjectId("52ae4946e1df9e1b10e1f6e1"),
                        "Text" : "ans",
                        "Comments" : [ ]
        "CreatedDate" : ISODate("2013-12-16T00:28:47.790Z"),
        "QuestionText" : "test",
        "QuestionTitle" : "test",
        "Tag" : "test",
        "UserID" : "singleuserid_777",
        "_id" : ObjectId("52ae493fe1df9e1b10e1f6e0")

现在,如果我需要更新 Questions 集合中 Answers 数组中的 Comments 数组,那么我的 C#.Net 代码将是

  base.GetContext.Collection.Find(Query.EQ("Answers._id", ObjectId.Parse(Id))).Collection.Update(Query.EQ("Answers._id", ObjectId.Parse(Id)),MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Update.PushWrapped("Answers.$.Comments", comm));
于 2013-12-16T00:32:46.320 回答