I'm trying to load data in a new BigQuery table, but when I run the following in the 'bq shell'

load ct.ads /tmp/data.csv id:integer,source:string,clicks:integer

I get

Waiting on job_7e1d39b261d041da8674a769e8275b91 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Billing has not been enabled for this project.

I've enabled billing and the tab in Google Api Console says:

Your billing information may take a few minutes to update. Please refresh this page for updates.

Authorized by: martin@foo.com - you Unbilled usage (estimate, updated daily) Start date May 2, 2012 Total (before taxes) 0.00 USD Statements None

Any hints?

Ok, it seems when I entered the CC information it was refused; I tried with another CC and it seems to be fine...

Now it says:

Billing is enabled for all active, billable services



1 回答 1


BigQuery 会缓存结算状态,可能需要几个小时才能更新。你什么时候修的CC号码?如果是今天,它可能只是没有在缓存中更新。如果需要超过 8 小时左右,请告知我们,我们将进行调查。

于 2012-06-19T20:03:51.933 回答