
如何使用自己的软件重新编程 GPS?我是新手,但我认为我必须先将所有 0 写入硬盘才能将其擦除干净。然后从那里我可以下载或使用什么程序来构建我自己的软件来制作图片/音频以放在设备上。基本上将其从gps转换为数码相框..我需要帮助,所以有人可以建议吗?


1 回答 1


You're going to need to flash custom firmware to the device - a process that requires a lot of expertise, as well as information about the specifics of the hardware - which is likely not to be publicly disclosed. It's highly unlikely you're going to be able to pull this off.

于 2012-06-19T18:35:37.170 回答