为了确保为每个标记分配一个 id,Spirit.Lex 库在内部为标记定义分配唯一编号,从定义的常量开始boost::spirit::lex::min_token_id
因此,您实际上可以获得增量分配的令牌 ID。但是,为了让事情变得更友好/更健壮,我建议创建一个辅助函数来确定令牌的名称,这样您就可以执行以下操作:
while (iter != end && token_is_valid(*iter))
std::cout << "Token: " <<
(iter->id() - lex::min_token_id) << ": " <<
toklexer.nameof(iter) << " ('" << iter->value() << "')\n";
if (iter == end) { std::cout << "lineNo: " << toklexer.lineNo() << "\n"; }
const std::string str = "symbol \"string\" \n"
"this /* is a comment */\n"
"31415926E-7 123";
Token: 5: symbol_ ('symbol')
Token: 4: string_ ('"string"')
Token: 5: symbol_ ('this')
Token: 3: float_ ('31415926E-7')
Token: 2: integer_ ('123')
lineNo: 3
- 我认为不可能识别到模式表达式,因为一旦词法分析器返回令牌,信息就不会暴露并且不再可用
- 我想我记得看到带有调试信息的令牌(类似于
完整的演示代码(略微适应 Boost 1_49-1_57, GCC -std=c++0x):
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/lex_lexertl.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/function/adapt_callable.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace lex = boost::spirit::lex;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
// irrelevant for question: needed this locally to make it work with my boost
// version
namespace detail {
struct count {
template<class It1, class It2, class T> struct result { typedef ptrdiff_t type; };
template<class It1, class It2, class T>
typename result<It1, It2, T>::type operator()(It1 f, It2 l, T const& x) const {
return std::count(f, l, x);
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_CALLABLE(count, detail::count, 3);
template <typename LexerT>
class Tokens: public lex::lexer<LexerT>
using lex::_start;
using lex::_end;
using lex::_pass;
using phx::ref;
// macros
("EXP", "(e|E)(\\+|-)?\\d+")
("SUFFIX", "[yzafpnumkKMGTPEZY]")
("INTEGER", "-?\\d+")
("FLOAT", "-?(((\\d+)|(\\d*\\.\\d+)|(\\d+\\.\\d*))({EXP}|{SUFFIX})?)")
("SYMBOL", "[a-zA-Z_?@](\\w|\\?|@)*")
("STRING", "\\\"([^\\\"]|\\\\\\\")*\\\"");
// whitespaces and comments
whitespaces_ = "\\s+";
comments_ = "(;[^\\n]*\\n)|(\\/\\*[^*]*\\*+([^/*][^*]*\\*+)*\\/)";
// literals
integer_ = "{INTEGER}";
float_ = "{FLOAT}";
symbol_ = "{SYMBOL}";
string_ = "{STRING}";
// operators
quote_ = "'";
backquote_ = '`';
// ... other tokens
// whitespace and comment rules
//this->self.add(whitespaces_, 1001)
//(comments_, 1002);
this->self = whitespaces_ [phx::ref(lineNo_) += count(_start, _end, '\n'), _pass = lex::pass_flags::pass_ignore]
| comments_ [phx::ref(lineNo_) += count(_start, _end, '\n'), _pass = lex::pass_flags::pass_ignore];
// literal rules
this->self += integer_ | float_ | string_ | symbol_;
// this->self += ... other tokens
template <typename TokIter>
std::string nameof(TokIter it)
if (it->id() == whitespaces_.id()) return "whitespaces_";
if (it->id() == comments_.id()) return "comments_";
if (it->id() == integer_.id()) return "integer_";
if (it->id() == float_.id()) return "float_";
if (it->id() == symbol_.id()) return "symbol_";
if (it->id() == string_.id()) return "string_";
if (it->id() == quote_.id()) return "quote_";
if (it->id() == backquote_.id()) return "backquote_";
return "other";
~Tokens() {}
size_t lineNo() { return lineNo_; }
// ignored tokens
lex::token_def</*lex::omit*/> whitespaces_, comments_;
// literal tokens
lex::token_def<int> integer_;
lex::token_def<std::string> float_, symbol_, string_;
// operator tokens
lex::token_def<> quote_, backquote_;
// ... other token definitions of type lex::token_def<>
// current line number
size_t lineNo_;
int main()
const std::string str = "symbol \"string\" \n"
"this /* is a comment */\n"
"31415926E-7 123";
typedef lex::lexertl::token<char const*> token_type;
typedef lex::lexertl::actor_lexer<token_type> lexer_type;
Tokens<lexer_type> toklexer;
char const* first = str.c_str();
char const* last = &first[str.size()];
lexer_type::iterator_type iter = toklexer.begin(first, last);
lexer_type::iterator_type end = toklexer.end();
while (iter != end && token_is_valid(*iter))
std::cout << "Token: " <<
(iter->id() - lex::min_token_id) << ": " <<
toklexer.nameof(iter) << " ('" << iter->value() << "')\n";
if (iter == end) { std::cout << "lineNo: " << toklexer.lineNo() << "\n"; }
else {
std::string rest(first, last);
std::cout << "Lexical analysis failed\n" << "stopped at: \""
<< rest << "\"\n";
return 0;