I was following this tutorial: http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidLocationAPI/article.html --> Paragraph 6.0

Problem: My emulator runs perfectly fine and everything works good (it zooms and everything), however, the actual map is nothing but a grid. It states that I should be able to send coordinates via the emulator, but how?

Possible Solutions? - Is my API key not correct? Am I not sending the correct coordinates? (I click random numbers and letters)


2 回答 2


You are using de debug.keystore, yo need to use other keystore, with other api key to run maps in a terminal.

于 2012-06-19T15:20:50.657 回答

You're correct. Normally that is a problem with your API key.


It is getting the coordinates but if it is not generating the map it is a definite api key problem. You did request a key from google right using your java sdk keytool?

于 2012-06-19T15:25:28.310 回答