我正在尝试编写执行以下操作的(高效的)MATLAB 代码:
我有大约 100,000 个二维数据点,并且我有成对的间隔。第一个间隔不变(在本例中为 0 和 1 之间),第二个间隔不断变化。
1) 第一个区间 (0,1) 内的 x 坐标值
2) 第二个区间内的 y 坐标值(变化区间)
% firstCol is a ~100,000 rows, one column array; x-coordinate
% secondCol is also a ~100,000 rows, one column array; y-coordinate
% boundaries of my first interval
maxOfMyFirstInterval = 1;
minOfMyFirstInterval = 0;
% allIntervalsMax is a ~10,000 rows, one column, of maximum values
% allIntervalsMin is a ~10,000 rows, one column, of minimum values
% The above two columns contain the changing pairs, so the first pair would be
% (allIntervalsMin(1), allIntervalsMax(1))
% pre-allocate array that will hold number of data-points that satisfy
% my condition
numberOfInstances = zeros(length(allIntervalsMax),1);
% This will get the instances that satisfy my first condition,
% x-coordinate between 0 and 1
a_first = find((firstCol <= maxOfMyFirstInterval) & ...
(firstCol >= minOfMyFirstInterval));
% Loop through the list of second intervals
for jx = 1:length(allIntervalsMax)
a_second = find((secondCol <= allIntervalsMax(jx)) & ...
(secondCol >= allIntervalsMin(jx)));
a_both = intersect(a_first, a_second);
numberOfInstances(jx) = length(a_both);
这样做所需的时间约为 29 秒,我想知道是否有更快的方法。