
假设我在详细信息带中有 5 个字段。

字段 a、b、c、d、e 和以下字段的记录集如下

    A             B            C           D           E
   111            1            20         30          222
   111            1            21         31          222
   111            1            22         32          222
   111            2            11         11          222
   111            2            12         12          222
   111            2            13         13          222 

现在我需要通过对字段 B 进行分组来显示详细信息并获得 C 和 D 的总和。最后我的结果应该如下所示

    A             B            C           D           E
   111            1            20          30         222
                               21          31          
                               22          32  
                            -------      ------
                     Total     63          93

   111            2            11          11         222
                               12          12 
                               13          13         
                            -------      ------
                     Total     36          36



2 回答 2


您应该使用组选项(插入 --> 组)并选择字段 B。

然后,使用运行总计对所需字段求和。(查看-> 字段资源管理器,然后在字段资源管理器上右键单击“运行总字段”-> 新建)。使用此专家创建所需的运行总计,然后将其拖到您的报告中以显示它。


于 2012-06-19T00:30:20.163 回答

Urik is correct !

I just want to add some points as par the output user1464855 want.

  1. Add groups for two columns field A , field B . add these fields in the detail section also add the C, D and E in the section.
  2. To display Total you can use either of the following ways a. you can add new "Running Total field" for Columns C and Column D as Urik said. b. you can right click on the field "C" and select "Insert --> Summary" then select the field "C" select the "sum" and select the summary location "Group # 2" in "Insert Summary" dialoge box and click "OK".
  3. To avoid displaying the duplicate values (repeatation of values) select the field on the report e.g. field "E" right click on it Select "Format field" select "Common" Tab select check box "SUppress of Duplicated". you can repetae this step for other fields A, B.

I hope this will help you. kindly correct me if I am wrong !

于 2014-03-04T11:35:22.750 回答