关于 drupal 7 - views 3.0 API,我已经配置了一个视图(来自 UI)以从自定义内容类型和它显示 id 的字段之一中提取数据。我想创建一个连接(我希望以编程方式)到我的自定义表,并显示映射到视图中 id 的文本。我遇到的问题是如何找出将其加入哪个表和字段?在我的内容类型中,我创建了 field_game 字段。我的自定义表有 gameid 作为主键。


$data['MYCUSTOMTABLE']['table']['join'] = array(
// Index this array by the table name to which this table refers.
// 'left_field' is the primary key in the referenced table.
// 'field' is the foreign key in this table.
'node' => array(
  'left_table' => '??????'
  'left_field' => 'field_game', 
  'field' => 'gameid',



2 回答 2



我把它放在 hook_views_query_alter($view, $query) 中:

if ($view->name == "kompasses") {

$ga_join = new views_join();
$ga_join->table = 'field_data_group_audience';
$ga_join->field = 'entity_id';
$ga_join->left_table = 'node';
$ga_join->left_field = 'nid';
$ga_join->type = 'inner';

$query->add_relationship('audience_node', $ga_join, 'node', null);

这里要加入的表是:field_data_group_audience 和基表(来自名为“kompasses”的现有视图)。Audience_node 将是连接的表别名。

有关更多信息,请参阅:http ://api.drupal.org/api/views/plugins%21views_plugin_query_default.inc/class/views_plugin_query_default/7

于 2012-08-28T14:21:02.333 回答

您已经接近了,但请检查一下:Views 在模块代码中提供了有关如何执行此操作的文档。查看views/docs/views.api.php 并阅读!


基本上你需要实现 hook_views_data_alter 来告诉 Views 你的表。这将允许您加入。要显示连接字段,您需要在传递给 hook_views_data_alter 的数组中设置正确的处理程序。查看views.api.php中的第343行

// This table references the {node} table. The declaration below creates an
// 'implicit' relationship to the node table, so that when 'node' is the base
// table, the fields are automatically available.
$data['example_table']['table']['join'] = array(
  // Index this array by the table name to which this table refers.
  // 'left_field' is the primary key in the referenced table.
  // 'field' is the foreign key in this table.
  'node' => array(
    'left_field' => 'nid',
    'field' => 'nid',

// Next, describe each of the individual fields in this table to Views. This
// is done by describing $data['example_table']['FIELD_NAME']. This part of
// the array may then have further entries:
//   - title: The label for the table field, as presented in Views.
//   - help: The description text for the table field.
//   - relation: A description of any relation handler for the table field.
//   - field: A description of any field handler for the table field.
//   - sort: A description of any sort handler for the table field.
//   - filter: A description of any filter handler for the table field.
//   - argument: A description of any argument handler for the table field.
//   - area: A description of any handler for adding content to header,
//     footer or as no result behaviour.
// The handler descriptions are described with examples below.

// Node ID table field.
$data['example_table']['nid'] = array(
  'title' => t('Example content'),
  'help' => t('Some example content that references a node.'),
  // The nid is a foreign key to the {node} table. This allows us to (easily)
  // add a relationship handler for this table field, making all the table
  // fields for the related node available.
  'relationship' => array(
    'base' => 'node', // The name of the table to join with
    'field' => 'nid', // The name of the field to join with
    'handler' => 'views_handler_relationship',
    'label' => t('Example node'),
于 2012-06-19T14:42:50.750 回答