我有一个奇怪的问题。我想(不管为什么)让 FQL 返回一个字典,其中包含在所有给定用户照片中标记的所有人。


query 1 something like SELECT pid from photo_tag where subject = 123456
and then query 2 something like select pid, subject from photo_tag where pid in (select pid from #query1)

奇怪的是,第二个查询返回的字典比 query1 小(它应该更大,因为它单独返回主题,所以每个 pid 应该有多个结果)。

我不知道为什么,所以我输入了一个新的 query2,它只是这样说:

SELECT pid from photo_tag WHERE pid in (SELECT pid FROM #query1)

甚至返回原始 pid 的一小部分!在这种情况下,第二个查询所说的应该只是“向我展示这些 pid 中的所有 pid”,但它们不会全部返回?



1 回答 1


In my experience, FQL rarely returns all rows that satisfy a query. The number of results are limited usually at 25 or 50 lines by default. With your queries, you can get far fewer results than that because Facebook first executes the query, then filters the results for what is visible to you.

You can try adding LIMIT 100 to the end of these queries and see if the number of items returned increases.

于 2012-06-18T21:12:51.450 回答