我有一个 8 位数字告诉我日期,YYYYMMDD。如何将此数字转换为 Excel 将识别为日期的日期。
假设单元格 A1 中有 20120229 ......我该怎么办?
既然你用 VBA 标记了这个问题,我假设你想在 VBA 中得到答案,所以你去:
Dim l As Long
Dim s As String
Dim d As Date
l = Range("A1").Value ' 20120229
' convert it to a string
s = CStr(l)
' can now use string functions to parse it
d = DateSerial(CInt(Left(s, 4)), CInt(Mid(s, 5, 2)), CInt(Right(s, 2)))
' d is now 29 Feb 2012
' write it back to the sheet
Range("A2").Value = d
其中 A1 是单元格坐标。
我喜欢能够在 excel 中选择文本并调用宏来完成这项工作。
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Selection.Cells
c.Value = DateSerial(Left(c.Value, 4), Mid(c.Value, 5, 2), Right(c.Value, 2))
'Following line added only to enforce the format.
c.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
End Sub