你可以做这样的事情(不确定它是否会在 linq2 实体中“按原样”工作,但如果你有问题......告诉)
var query = <your IQueryable<T> entity>.NullableShortBetween(1, 3).ToList();
public static IQueryable<T> NullableShortBetween<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable, short? minValue, short? maxValue) where T: class
//item (= left part of the lambda)
var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof (T), "item");
//retrieve all nullable short properties of your entity, to change if you have other criterias to get these "year" properties
var shortProperties = typeof (T).GetProperties().Where(m => m.CanRead && m.CanWrite && m.PropertyType == typeof(short?));
foreach (var shortProperty in shortProperties)
//item (right part of the lambda)
Expression memberExpression = parameterExpression;
memberExpression = Expression.Property(memberExpression, shortProperty);
Expression firstPart = Expression.Property(memberExpression, "HasValue");
//item.<PropertyName> >= minValue
Expression secondPart = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(memberExpression, Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(minValue), typeof (short?)));
//item.<PropertyName> <= maxValue
var thirdPart = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(memberExpression, Expression.Convert(Expression.Constant(maxValue), typeof (short?)));
//item.<PropertyName>.HasValue && item.<PropertyName> >= minValue
var result = Expression.And(firstPart, secondPart);
//item.<PropertyName>.HasValue && item.<PropertyName> >= minValue && item.<PropertyName> <= maxValue
result = Expression.AndAlso(result, thirdPart);
//pass the predicate to the queryable
queryable = queryable.Where(Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(result, new[] {parameterExpression}));
return queryable;
public static short? GetYearValue<T>(this T instance)
var propertyInfo = typeof(T).GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(m => m.CanRead && m.CanWrite && m.PropertyType == typeof(short?));
return propertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null) as short?;
var result = list.Where(item => item.GetYearValue() != null && item.GetYearValue() >= 1 && item.GetYearValue() <= 3).ToList();