你好 Erno 我正在发送一些代码以便更好地理解:-
Public Sub FileDownload()
txtBytesToDownload.Text = totalBytesToDownload.ToString("N", nfi) 'set textbox with total file size
del = New MyDelegate(AddressOf DownloadDataInRange)
callback = New AsyncCallback(AddressOf CalcCallback)
TotalBytesToDownloadForEachCycle = totalBytesToDownload
downloadedBytes = 0
dlStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew()
Dim flag As Integer = 0
Dim segment As Integer = nuSegment.Value 'total segments
Dim cyl = cycleNumericUpDown.Value 'total cycles
'ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = segment
If UtilityFunctions.CheckRangeSupported(dlUrlHttpTextBox.Text) Then
Dim segmentSize As Integer = 0
segmentSize = TotalBytesToDownloadForEachCycle / segment
' For cy As Integer = 0 To (cyl - 1)
For ctr As Integer = 0 To (segment - 1) 'loop for total Segments
flag += 1
Dim fileValues As New FileValues()
If ctr = 0 Then
fileValues.StartPoint = 0 'starting point of each segment (in bytes)
fileValues.StartPoint = segmentSize * ctr + 1
End If
fileValues.EndPoint = fileValues.StartPoint + segmentSize 'end point of each segment (in bytes)
If (ctr = (segment - 1)) Then
fileValues.EndPoint += TotalBytesToDownloadForEachCycle Mod segment
End If
fileValues.URL = dlUrlHttpTextBox.Text 'downloading file url
Dim str As String = ctr.ToString() + "_" + flag.ToString()
' del.BeginInvoke(fileValues, callback, Nothing)
newThread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf DownloadBytes) 'Thread starts here
newThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest
newThread.IsBackground = True
'ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf DownloadBytes, fileValues)
fileValues = Nothing
' ProgressBarTotal.Value += 1
' Next
Dim fileValues As New FileValues()
fileValues.StartPoint = 0
fileValues.EndPoint = TotalBytesToDownloadForEachCycle
fileValues.URL = dlUrlHttpTextBox.Text
Dim newThread As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf DownloadBytes)
newThread.Name = "Thread1"
'ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(AddressOf DownloadBytes, fileValues)
fileValues = Nothing
End If
Console.WriteLine("Http Downloload End")
Debug.Print("thread List 1 count =" + _threadsList1.Count.ToString() + ", thread list 2 count =" + _threadsList2.Count.ToString() + ", thread list 3 count =" + _threadsList3.Count.ToString())
'MessageBox.Show("finished - flag=" + flag.ToString())
'After all Cycles Complete
'startButton.Enabled = True
'abortButton.Enabled = False
'skipButton.Enabled = False
'DataGridViewDLOrPing.Enabled = True
'DataGridViewUL.Enabled = True
'protocolComboBox.Enabled = True
'modelComboBox.Enabled = True
'testTypeComboBox.Enabled = True
'measurementComboBox.Enabled = True
'cycleNumericUpDown.Enabled = True
'DelayNumericUpDown.Enabled = True
End Sub
这是 Thread 将调用以读取字节的函数:
Public Sub DownloadBytes(ByVal p_fileValues As FileValues)
Dim httpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest
Dim httpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse
Dim responseStream As Stream
Dim threadName = threadID
Console.WriteLine("Start " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name)
httpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(p_fileValues.URL), HttpWebRequest)
'httpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11
httpWebRequest.KeepAlive = False
httpWebRequest.AddRange(p_fileValues.StartPoint, p_fileValues.EndPoint)
httpWebRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
httpWebRequest.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy
httpWebResponse = CType(httpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim bytesSize As Integer = 0
' A buffer for storing and writing the data retrieved from the server
Dim downBuffer As Byte() = New Byte(2047) {}
Dim bytesAlreadyDownloaded As Int64 = p_fileValues.StartPoint
' Loop through the buffer until the buffer is empty
While (True)
'end while loop if the Abort button is clicked
If (isActionAborted = True) Then
Exit While
End If
'currentCycle is > total Cycles ,then end while
If (currentCycleDownload > cycleNumericUpDown.Value) Then
Exit While
End If
bytesSize = responseStream.Read(downBuffer, 0, downBuffer.Length)
bytesAlreadyDownloaded += bytesSize
If (bytesSize <= 0) Then
If (downloadedBytes < totalBytesToDownload) Then
Me.Invoke(New UploadProgressCallback(AddressOf Me.UpdateDownloadProgress), New Object() {(totalBytesToDownload - downloadedBytes), totalBytesToDownload})
End If
Exit While
End If
' Invoke the method that updates the form's label and progress bar
Me.Invoke(New DownloadProgressCallback(AddressOf Me.UpdateDownloadProgress), New Object() {bytesSize, TotalBytesToDownloadForEachCycle})
If (bytesAlreadyDownloaded > p_fileValues.EndPoint) Then
'Console.WriteLine("Downloading part files Exit " + p_fileValues.StartPoint.ToString() + "," + p_fileValues.EndPoint.ToString())
Exit While
End If
End While
responseStream = Nothing
httpWebResponse = Nothing
Console.WriteLine("End " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name)
'ProgressDownload.Value = Convert.ToInt32((downloadedBytes * 100) / totalBytesToDownload)
' downloadedBytesTextBox.Text = downloadedBytes.ToString("N", nfi)
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name)
Console.WriteLine("Finally " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name)
' GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers()
'Catch ex1 As Exception
'End Try
End Try
'Return 1
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateDownloadProgress(ByVal BytesRead As Int64, ByVal TotalBytes As Int64)
If Not swDL Is Nothing AndAlso swDL.IsRunning Then
If swDL.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0 Then
resultGrid.Rows.Item(HandoverGridCounter - 1).Cells(4).Value &= "DL: " & swDL.ElapsedMilliseconds & " ms"
End If
swDL = Nothing
End If
If (dlCurrentspeed > 0) Then
'txtCurrentSpeedDL.Text = Math.Round((dlCurrentspeed / 1024), 0) & " KB/s"
End If
downloadedBytes += BytesRead
If downloadedBytes >= totalBytesToDownload Then
downloadedBytes = totalBytesToDownload
End If
ProgressDownload.Value = Convert.ToInt32((downloadedBytes * 100) / TotalBytes)
downloadedBytesTextBox.Text = downloadedBytes.ToString("N", nfi) ' & " bytes"
If totalBytesToDownload = 0 Then
totalBytesToDownload = TotalBytes
txtBytesToDownload.Text = totalBytesToDownload.ToString("N", nfi)
End If
If downloadedBytes >= totalBytesToDownload Then
dlCurrentspeed = 0
testEndTickDownload = My.Computer.Clock.TickCount
testDeltaDownload = (testEndTickDownload - testStartTickDownload) / 1000
If DLtimedOut = True Then
DownloadCompleted(TestStatus.Cancelled.ToString(), "")
DownloadCompleted(TestStatus.Completed.ToString(), "")
End If
If currentCycleDownload <= cycleNumericUpDown.Value Then
If protocolComboBox.Text = "HTTP" Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub