我有一个名为 States 的表,我正在使用 linq 查询在下拉列表中显示状态值现在我想在 id 0 的第一个位置插入选择。我正在使用以下查询来显示下拉列表:

var str = (from li in dbContext.states

               where li.state >= 1
               select new



上面的查询给出了我的 DB 中存在的所有值的平均值。我如何首先插入选择一个?请任何人提出任何方法或语法。谢谢


2 回答 2



var str = (from li in dbContext.states

               where li.state >= 1
               select new


               }).ToList().Insert(0, "selectone");
于 2012-06-18T10:52:56.253 回答

See MajoBs answer.

Although if you're using the @Html.DropDownListFor() Helper, you could also specify the Id 0 row using the optionLabelArgument:

public static MvcHtmlString DropDownListFor<TModel, TProperty>(
    this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
    Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
    IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectList,
    string optionLabel


I think the reason MajoB's example doesn't work is because you are using an anonymous type in the Linq query, but define a string in the .Insert() statement.

I believe it is not possible to reuse the same anonymous type that was used in the LINQ query in the .Insert() statement.

So you would have to use a regular type.

(from x in 
    (from li in dContext.states
    where li.state >= 0
        select new {
            value = li.state,
            text = li.something
    select new SelectListeItem {
        Value = x.value.ToString()
        Text = x.text
    }).ToList().Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { .. });

The nested query is necessary because the .ToString() can't be translated to sql. The .AsEnumerable() call created an in-memory list where .ToString will work on.

I am actually using a Extension method like this in our code base. But it requires LinqKit to work.

public static IList<SelectListItem> ToSelectList<T>(this IQueryable<T> query
        , Expression<Func<T, long>> value
        , Expression<Func<T, string>> text
        , string nullText = null)
        var result = (from x in
                          (from y in query.AsExpandable()
                           select new
                               Value = value.Invoke(y),
                               Text = text.Invoke(y),
                      select new SelectListItem
                          Value = x.Value.ToString(),
                          Text = x.Text.ToString()

        AddNullText(nullText, result);
        return result;

private static void AddNullText(string nullText, List<SelectListItem> result)
        if (nullText != null)
            result.Insert(0, new SelectListItem()
                Value = "",
                Text = nullText,

(+ the same Extension method with Expression<Func<T, string>>, etc.. as second parameter.)

于 2012-06-18T10:56:43.950 回答