我正在 Flash builder 中构建一个 android 应用程序,这将允许客户端在应用程序内使用和访问数据库,但在外部阻止。


在上传阶段安全传递 SQLite 数据库和密码的最佳方法是什么?


2 回答 2


使用 HTTPS 与您的服务器通信。这将自动加密所有流量。另请记住,如果客户端(用户)可以从应用程序访问数据,并且数据在设备上,那么您几乎无法阻止他们复制和访问应用程序外部的数据。只要密码/加密密钥也在设备上,它所要做的就是让它们慢一点。

于 2012-06-18T08:43:02.520 回答

Create a http API that your application will use. This API will enforce which operations are possible. So the client never sees the DB password, encrypted or not.

I don't really get what you're encrypting the db for. Are you trying to protect against the case where the server gets hacked?

Now other applications will be able to use this API, and it's impossible to stop them. You can just throw as much obfuscation at it as possible, and hope that crackers are too lazy.

于 2012-06-18T08:47:04.450 回答