作为实践,我正在尝试为 Haskell 中的赌场游戏“战争”编写模拟。
这是一个非常简单的游戏,有一些规则。用我知道的任何一种命令式语言编写本来就是一个非常简单的问题,但是我正在努力用 Haskell 编写它。
-- Simulation for the Casino War
import System.Random
import Data.Map
-- stolen from the internet
fisherYatesStep :: RandomGen g => (Map Int a, g) -> (Int, a) -> (Map Int a, g)
fisherYatesStep (m, gen) (i, x) = ((insert j x . insert i (m ! j)) m, gen')
(j, gen') = randomR (0, i) gen
fisherYates :: RandomGen g => g -> [a] -> ([a], g)
fisherYates gen [] = ([], gen)
fisherYates gen l = toElems $ Prelude.foldl
fisherYatesStep (initial (head l) gen) (numerate (tail l))
toElems (x, y) = (elems x, y)
numerate = zip [1..]
initial x gen = (singleton 0 x, gen)
data State = Deal | Tie deriving Show
-- state: game state
-- # cards to deal
-- # cards to burn
-- cards on the table
-- indices for tied players
-- # players
-- players winning
-- dealer's winning
type GameState = (State, Int, Int, [Int], [Int], Int, [Int], Int)
gameRound :: GameState -> Int -> GameState
gameRound (Deal, toDeal, toBurn, inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins) card
| toDeal > 0 =
-- not enough card, deal a card
(Deal, toDeal - 1, 0, card:inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins)
| toDeal == 0 =
-- enough cards in play now
-- here should detemine whether or not there is any ties on the table,
-- and go to the tie state
dealerCard = head inPlay
p = zipWith (+) pWins $ (tail inPlay) >>=
(\x -> if x < dealerCard then return (-1) else return 1)
d = if dealerCard == (maximum inPlay) then dWins + 1 else dWins - 1
(Deal, numPlayers + 1, 0, [], tied, numPlayers, p, d)
gameRound (Tie, toDeal, toBurn, inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins) card
-- i have no idea how to write the logic for the tie state AKA the "war" state
| otherwise = (Tie, toDeal, toBurn, inPlay, tied, numPlayers, pWins, dWins)
main = do
rand <- newStdGen
-- create the shuffled deck
(deck, _) <- return $ fisherYates rand $ [2 .. 14] >>= (replicate 6)
-- fold the state updating function over the deck
putStrLn $ show $ Prelude.foldl gameRound
(Deal, 7, 0, [], [], 6, [0 ..], 0) deck