我写了一个 AppleScript:

  1. 检查两个特定的字典(File1 和 File2)文件是否退出/Library/Dictionaries/
  2. 如果两个文件中的任何一个存在,则完全删除该文件和另一个

该脚本在 AppleScript 编辑器中运行良好。然后我将脚本保存为应用程序,对其进行测试,该应用程序也可以正常工作。我的意思是 AppleScript 编辑器中的脚本和保存的应用程序都检测并从/Library/Dictionaries/.

然而,在 PackageMaker Post Action 中,调用时,应用程序既不会删除 File1 也不会删除 File2,尽管它会检测到它们,甚至会显示对话框消息(请参见下面的代码行)。


tell application "System Events"
  if exists (application process "Dictionary") then
    tell application "Dictionary" to quit
end if
    end tell
    set theOtherFile1 to POSIX file "/Library/Dictionaries/File1.dictionary"
    set theOtherFile2 to POSIX file "/Library/Dictionaries/File2.dictionary"

tell application "Finder"
    if exists file theOtherFile1 then
        display dialog "File1/File2 exits. Do you want to remove it?" with title "Note" buttons {"No", "Yes"} default button "Yes"
        if the button returned of the result is "No" then
            delay 2
            do shell script "rm -R /Library/Dictionaries/File1.dictionary" with administrator privileges
            do shell script "rm -R /Library/Dictionaries/File2.dictionary" with administrator privileges

        end if
    end if
end tell
end try

delay 5
tell application "Dictionary" to activate

1 回答 1



tell application "System Events"
  if exists (application process "Dictionary") then
    tell application "Dictionary" to quit
  end if
end tell

    set theOtherFile1 to POSIX file "/Library/Dictionaries/File1.dictionary"
    set theOtherFile2 to POSIX file "/Library/Dictionaries/File2.dictionary"
tell application "Terminal" to activate
tell application "System Events"
    keystroke ("sudo chmod 777 " & theOtherFile1) as string
    display dialog "Click the button after you've typed the root password into Terminal." buttons {"OK"}
    keystroke return
    keystroke ("chmod 777 " & theOtherFile2) as string
    display dialog "Click the button after you've typed the root password into Terminal." buttons {"OK"}
end tell
do shell script "rm -rf /Library/Dictionaries/File1.dictionary"
do shell script "rm -rf /Library/Dictionaries/File2.dictionary"

这应该可以解决问题。我目前正在使用 PC,否则我会先检查,但我认为这会正确运行。

于 2012-10-17T13:56:56.040 回答