有没有办法在 Google Web Toolkit 中进行图像颜色过滤?类似于使用动作脚本 3 的颜色矩阵过滤器。这是动作脚本示例: AS3:如何将彩色位图的 BitmapData 更改为黑白?


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对于 HTML(以及 GWT)中的图像操作,您需要使用 canvas 元素。据我所知,画布没有为您提供应用过滤器的任何快捷方式,您需要手动进入并修改像素。让我们以黑白为例。在调用此方法之前,您需要确保图像已经加载:

public void toBlackAndWhite(Image image)
    // Create an off-screen canvas element to do the work.
    Canvas canvas = Canvas.createIfSupported();

    // Do nothing if canvas is not supported.
    if (canvas == null)

    // Size the canvas to fit the image.

    // Pull the image's underlying DOM element
    ImageElement img = ImageElement.as(image.getElement());

    // The 2D context does all the drawing work on the canvas
    Context2d context = canvas.getContext2d();

    context.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // Now the canvas contains the image.

    // ImageData represents the canvas rgba data as an array of bytes.
    ImageData imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0,
                              image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

    // Now the real work:
    for (int x = 0; x < imageData.getWidth(); ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < imageData.getHeight(); ++y) {
             // RGB values are 0-255
             int average = (imageData.getRedAt(x,y) +
                            imageData.getGreenAt(x,y) +
                            imageData.getBlueAt(x,y)) / 3;

             imageData.setRedAt(average, x,y);
             imageData.setGreenAt(average, x,y);
             imageData.setBlueAt(average, x,y);

    // ImageData is a copy of the data on the canvas, so
    // we need to write it back.

    // Now the canvas contains a black and white version
    // of the image. Canvas is a Widget so you could attach
    // it to the page directly if you want. Here we're going
    // to replace the contents of the original image element
    // with a url-encoded version of the canvas contents.

Not quite as elegant as actionscript but it will do the job. As you can imagine this will chew up a good deal of processor time on larger images, if you need better performance you might consider gwtgl.

于 2012-06-16T13:06:49.573 回答