我一直在思考和研究,但我不确定要研究什么,所以也许你们可以帮助我。我的 windows 窗体需要一种设计类型,可以显示和分类大量信息。例如,想象一下本文末尾显示的类别。
我需要能够让用户以一种不那么令人困惑的方式找到解决所有这些问题的方法。我正在考虑某种选项卡系统或可能使用 Windows 功能区,但我只是觉得这会使事情变得过于复杂并使一切看起来很忙。我也有混合,所以 WPF 是一种选择。
-> aa
-> aaa
-> aaaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> aaab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> aaac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> aab
-> aaaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> aaab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> aaac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> ab
-> aba
-> abaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> abab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> abac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> abb
-> abaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> abab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> abac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
(这现在是第二个主要类别,其中将有多达 5 个)
-> ba
-> baa
-> baaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> baab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> baac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bab
-> baaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> baab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> baac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bb
-> bba
-> bbaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bbab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bbac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bbb
-> bbaa
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bbab
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
-> bbac
-> Here lies the user control that will be loaded
很可能会有 6 个主要类别,每个类别都有多个子类别。每个类别将是一个按钮或一个更深入的链接,直到单击“aaaa”深度按钮并加载用户控件。
A被点击。现在你看到AA、AB、AC等,。您单击 AA,您会看到 AAA、AAC、AAAB 等。单击该按钮时,将加载用户控件。