当导航到多选列表页面时,我试图预选多选列表中的某些项目,因为一旦导航页面,我选择的项目就不会保持选中状态。我创建了一个包含要使用的选定值的列表(名为 StrobeBrushList 位于名为 Settings.cs 的自定义类中,它使用隔离存储来保存值,并且工作正常),但我不确定如何正确地重新选择当页面从导航然后返回到时的那些项目。
*注意,ColorItem 和 ColorHelper 也是用于获取颜色和值的自定义类
<toolkit:MultiselectList x:Name="ColorList" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Tap="ColorList_Tap">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="12,0,0,0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<!--<Rectangle Fill="{Binding Brush}" Width="50" Height="50"/>-->
<CheckBox Background="{Binding Brush}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Margin="12,10,0,0"/>
List<ColorItem> solidColorBrushList;
public MultiselectlistPage()
solidColorBrushList = new List<ColorItem>()
new ColorItem { Brush = ColorHelper.ToSolidColorBrush("#FFF0F8FF"), Name = "alice blue" },
new ColorItem { Brush = ColorHelper.ToSolidColorBrush("#FFFAEBD7"), Name = "antique white" },
new ColorItem { Brush = ColorHelper.ToSolidColorBrush("#FF00FFFF"), Name = "aqua" },
new ColorItem { Brush = ColorHelper.ToSolidColorBrush("#FF7FFFD4"), Name = "aquamarine" },
new ColorItem { Brush = ColorHelper.ToSolidColorBrush("#FFF0FFFF"), Name = "azure" }, //dont translate!?
new ColorItem { Brush = ColorHelper.ToSolidColorBrush("#FFF5F5DC"), Name = "beige" },
this.ColorList.ItemsSource = solidColorBrushList;
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(ColorListPage_Loaded);
void ColorListPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//show checkboxes when page is loaded
this.ColorList.IsSelectionEnabled = true;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (solidColorBrushList == null)
ItemContainerGenerator itemContainerGenerator = this.ColorList.ItemContainerGenerator;
//Settings.StrobeBrushList.Value contains the list of brush items selected by the user
foreach (SolidColorBrush scB in Settings.StrobeBrushList.Value)
//this.SetCheckBoxesSelected(true, null);
if (scB != null)
foreach(ColorItem cI in solidColorBrushList)
//compare the color values of the lists and only select (and show checkmark?) of items in the saved list
if (cI.Brush.Color == scB.Color)
DependencyObject vI = itemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(cI);
MultiselectItem msI = vI as MultiselectItem;
if (msI != null)
msI.IsSelected = true;